Ever have one of those days where you just can't seem to get it together? Well that's been me for the past couple weeks. No one particular day has been brutal, but none of them have been awesome...for all of them in some way shape or form I have been totally out of the loop. Todays story is probably the worst yet, in fact I am hoping that it will be the climax of my craziness, the peak of my problems and the finale to my fumbles. Read my story of how I made an ass of myself at my company Christmas party, without even showing up.
So recently I switched jobs (this is how this whole mess started). I was working as a telemarketer for a company I hated. HATED. Being a telemarketer sucks enough, but working for these guys made it even worse. They were pushy, and in my opinion total useless jerks. The project I was on a call team for was a government funded project that we were trying to get people to take classes through, and long story short it required that we make people take meetings with our sales reps. However, big projects like these often require strong leadership and awesome sales reps, which the particular company I worked with at the time did not. In fact, this company made me sign a form saying that I would not blog about them by name, or mention the names of any employees on the internet....probably a pretty good sign that someone had complained in public about them before. I also had to sign a waiver saying that I wouldn't date anyone that worked with the company, to which I shook my head and went ,"yea....let me just go right out and date the tools that are sinking this company...awesome". I digress with my bitterness.
So a few weeks ago, I walked into work and found out that the government funding was out, and that as a result I was out of job. I unlike any of my call team, was thrilled. I hated working there for a creep boss who never got anything done, and a manager with no backbone. I hated having to fight for my commissions every week because the reps never followed through, and I especially hated how rude people can be to others on the phone. To be honest I mostly hated being spied on while at work. The project head would listen to us without telling us to 'critique us', and they would post our call numbers/commission numbers up for everyone to see, supposedly to help us improve but really I think it was a scare tactic. Ugh, there I go again digressing on my bitterness.
Skip ahead to today, the date I had marked down for the party. All day, I grumbled about going. I hate my superiors (the other callers were pretty awesome), I had no desire to take a snack, or buy a bottle of wine, I didn't even want to dress up. All I really felt like doing all day was coming home and watching TV. Sad? Yes. But I just finished exams this week, and started a new job last week (take that stupid company I used to work for, don't need your crappy employment thanks, I got scooped up less than a week later by my current employer!!!! And they don't scare me by telling everyone at work how much I suck!!!!!) so I have been super busy. Hence why its been so hard to keep my head on straight. All day I complained and bitched and moaned. I even waited a whole hour to go past the time I said I would be there to make sure the trip would be as short as humanly possible. I haul my ass all the way downtown, and it turns out? The party was last night.......
Well....don't I feel like an ass....an ass that gets to go eat an entire tray of brownies :)
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