Whenever I find myself confused about life and the direction it will take, or you know all my relationships are falling to pit, I somehow find myself looking for ways to keep myself otherwise engaged. In others words, instead of trying to find a new job, or figure out what to do between school and my extra-cirriculars (I have to decide between moving or staying here for school, if I decide to go back at all, and I volunteer a lot at competitions as an official so I have to weigh that in too)....I have decided to take on other things to keep my mind off it all.
My newest obsessions have manifested this go round as TV shows. Now I don't usually watch a lot of TV. I refuse to schedule my week around watching a TV show at a particular time or rushing home to see it, or even joining any sort of "pool" for reality TV. I would rather be out...living in reality (I know the irony huh?). I'm single and about to be jobless...TV is a cheap and easy alternative!
Enter Friday Night Lights....Or should I say cute "high school kids" (puuulllleeease...all these guys are in their 20's and everyone knows it....therefore it is not pervy....) running around all dealing with issues far bigger than themselves, and far bigger than anything I ever had to deal with in high school. Racism? You got it! Steroids? Yuppers!! Teen pre-marital sex in the Texas bible belt? Ooooo you know it! And of course to top it all off in the first episode the most promising player on the team gets clobbered and ends up in a wheel chair! (then subsequently sues the school because even though it was his fault...americans will sue anyone for anything...and get away with it). But I digress.
I don't know how I managed to arrive so late to the part on this show...Its only in its 5th season and here I am watching season one! But thats ok! I may have been late to the party but man is there a lot of dancing yet to be had! Regardless of the fact that I don't know a single thing about football, I feel this show covers a lot in only 45 minutes a pop, the plot keeps me entertained, and I revel in the fact that by watching these boys run around....that I'm at least not thinking about my exes! (ex friends or otherwise)
Another strange new addiction? Storage wars! If you have never heard of this show, I am here to enlighten you! The premise? When people abandon their storage lockers, the storage facility actions them off for a profit. Treasure hunters bid on the lockers and then try to flog the crap inside, and sometimes find these really valuable items that others have left behind. The items that have been left behind in the lockers are crazy!! $17 000 in jewlery!? 1000 worth of vintage Levis jeans? Cars? Who abandons these things? Over 20 000 worth of kitchen equipment? Its nutty! The exciting part of the show is the bidding that buyers must endure to actually get their hands on the storage units themselves. 19 episodes and you too will feel like you can make a ton of cash from other peoples crap!
So hopefully I have enlightened you on the ways of amazingly addictive tv! Today Storage wars tomorrow Extreme Couponing (Something I might have to do should I not figure out my job situation or school situation...but then again I could just watch the show and forget all about it too...hmm)
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