Monday, October 31, 2011

72 Days of Tricks?

So today is Halloween, but I'm not feeling overly festive about the whole thing. I spent my weekend at a skating competition running around like crazy dealing with crazy skating competition things, ignoring all school related things that I probably should have tried to fit in. So today when I woke up, and the school panic set in, I guess I just don't have any mental capacity left to put Halloween in there along with it. That and I have class till 7:10 or so tonight and a midterm that I am desperate to do well on coming on Wednesday, then an assignment from hell, and well you get the idea.

So besides all the school drama, I'm also trying to sort though my emotional drama and family drama, while trying to maintain some sort of a real life. Very busy tangled mess I weave huh?

So maybe this whole emotional side of things is what has me feeling sympathetic or maybe even a bit down about the whole Kim Kardashian Kris Humphries divorce-dealy. 72 days of marriage and their calling it quits. Was the whole thing a rouse? Did these two ever really care for each other or did they get together, have fun together, think "well we might as well get hitched because the media will eat it all up and its expected of us", then realize halfway through the wedding plans that they really didn't like each other? That they were meant to be short term rather than long term? Or was it all publicity from the start?

All that money on the wedding, all the media attention all the shenanigans! Don't you find this whole thing so sad? Maybe its my soul that was previously suffocated by bad relationships and poor choices is starting to breath again and remembering that I really do believe in happily ever after. I want to believe that relationships can last and that things do work out...but with cases like this doesn't it sting to think that there's people out there that will do the crazy wedding, but totally forget that there's a marriage after to work on?

Maybe it is because my soul is finally fighting back into my reality that I am so bothered by these two people that are so heavily in the media and their relationship. Don't feed me that whole "you chose to be invested in the media about this one, if it bothers you don't watch and leave them alone" because those two want to be on TV. They are part of a TV show, and he plays basketball on TV. Their wedding was on TV and all their excess has been well documented. I don't want the show or basketball and I don't actively follow many blogs about it, and when I do see info its usually because I just want to look at the wedding dress and don't really care about the wedding. Everyone and their dog knew about this wedding and then now its over? You spent all that money, and time, to push pomp and circumstance around and it was all for not?

I find this incredibly sad. How much hope is there for the rest of us when these two incredibly priviledged individuals, who are not overly educated, are not doing anything good for others but have a ton of cash to blow, take it and have this huge wedding, and then break up 72 days later because they can't cut it. I fear that its events like this that ruin it for the rest of us. We are getting so used to seeing things break apart, and fall apart, where does the good come from anymore?

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