Bleh, blart, blleeeegggh. Those are how I'm feeling, that's just it. I have been so uninspired by life these last couple days trying to get through the end of the semester that blogging hasn't happened. I also don't have a clear idea as to what exactly to say and to express other than I am feeling mighty blah these days. I hate these few days between the end of school and the start of finals. You want to be happy you survived the semester but at the same time you're inwardly cringing because you know that you still have sooo much to do.
Meanwhile in the real world? Apparently Christmas is coming. All the radio stations are flipping over to Xmas music and given that its now December 1st everyone feels like it is perfectly ok to barf the holidays over everything. The lights are up and people are sending Christmas cards and all this other crazy stuff. Its a bit overwhelming given that we still have almost the entire month till Christmas. I mean I know I'm certainly not the best example of holiday cheer given that I'm not really a big fan of Christmas. It doesn't hold too many great memories for me and my family basically completely ignores the true meaning of Christmas every year so I know that me being all scrooge here isn't the most shocking thing, but still it's Dec 2nd, meaning that to get lights up and stuff like that, that you had already been planning to get stuff up. Just seems excessive to me. I mean I like gifts as much as the next person but the whole season is just getting a bit ridiculous in my opinion.
As I said, the holidays aren't really my thing, so I'm sure closer to I'll buck up. But until then I shall retreat to my studying bubble and continue studying anatomical structures and cellular physiology like a good little student.
Stay warm out there!
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