I have been a bad blogger. I haven't really kept in touch with my blog, but in my humble defense, I've been busy, and with a skating exam due and midterms coming up, and nominations that need to be in soon. and now to top it all off I am sick. I have a cold. And its making me miserable.
I despise being sick. I feel all clogged up and soggy, and all I want is to get dried out. And none of the meds I bought seem to help me sleep so this bug is just annoying the bejesus out of me!!!!
I don't like being sick! I want to be healthy!! It's been two weeks of off and on sickness and now a cold??!?!?!? BOB SAGET.
So I'm off to go ingest at least quadruple the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C, and a whack of fluids. When I return I will have many more amusing things to say other than "I'm the werido that's been watching my snot for colour change because I'm fearful of a sinus infection".
Now aren't you glad I'm stopping here?
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