Today, I joined the prestigious ranks of many before me and started my first day as a temp. Glamorous it was NOT.
This temp job was something I just sort of stumbled into, but needing the money, and a challenge I took it. This gig is subbing in for an HR support women, who when I met her for training looked pretty hagared. She looked tired, and had a hard time trying to explain things to me as she was exhausted. And today? I am starting to understand why.
Her job as an HR person, was watered down severely for me to be able to take over for the week, so I can only imagine that what I did today was perhaps about a tenth of what she would have done. The surprising part? I would have gotten a lot more if the majority of my day wasn't spent running around the office, printing stuff off for others, getting mail, picking up deliveries, answering phones and the door and my personal favorite? Cleaning up the kitchen after the other employees. How this woman gets up every day to go into work and play mother to the staff is totally beyond me.
Upon arrival this morning it was my job to check the email, the voicemail and empty the dishwasher. Then I put away the grocery order, then I answered some more phones, and called all the people on the list to get things fixed or cleaned in the office. How this woman also assists the accountant and the talent and culture person is beyond me, because this office seems to have the same disease that plagues my own house, the dishwasher avoidance disease.
Nothing is more annoying than people that rinse the dish in the sink and leave it there, when the dishwasher is only 3 inches away from the sink. So instead the water pools in the dirty dishes, and cutlery piles up, making me the poor innocent temp, or the actual employee, roll up their sleeve and empty the slimy water and retrieve grimy cutlery to get it into the dishwasher after they've been soaking all day. Awesome huh? While I really don't have a problem with this task, I can't imagine someone who has a million other things to do actually does it. How degrading? To be a professional working in a professional office and yet be forced to clean up after kids? These people are all perfectly responsible adults, all with post secondary (I'm working at a tech company), and yet? They cannot clean up after themselves. I went to one of my "business" friends. And basically once I relayed the office behavior to him, and he basically told me that this is pretty common. That professionals are billed out higher, so they get in trouble when they clean up after themselves....because apparently their time is more valuable. WELL THEN. Last time I checked it took a heart to be human, and that nothing on earth made you worth more than any other, sooo I'm wrong? Sad state of reality has started to set in.
Positive thing out of all of this? I know I do not want to work at a desk all day. I cannot imagine sitting at a desk in front of a screen crunching numbers. My neck is stiff, my back hurts and worst of all my eyes are blurry! Who wants this for their life? I'm starting to see how people can work a 9-5 and just punch in and punch out. I guess what I really want after all is not a "job" but a career or lifestyle. So! Ex Student Project? Still going strong, as am out in the work force navigating the real world. The preliminary outcome? If the real world means that I will have to work a shit job where I clean up for lazy 'holier than thou' coworkers? SIGN ME BACK UP FOR SCHOOL ASAP!!!!!
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