where am I? I am under stacks of pictures, documents, programs and all sorts of newspaper clippings dated as far back as the 1950's. Every single piece needs to be scanned in individually, labelled, then filed into a file pertaining to the date (should something have no date it will go into its own dateless file). My guess...there's something close to a thousand articles here to be scanned and documented. The problem? The scanning software I downloaded to do all of this is only a free trial. I have 29 more days to get this project finished! Wish me luck!
Cool stuff that I've found in this box of tricks? Pictures of my skating coach when she was a student. Pictures of when the original arena I first skated in had its opening day events. Pictures of old fashioned costumes and skates all in black and white. These pictures are telling the history of figure skating to me, and more specifically the history of my skating club, which btw is the second oldest skating club in Canada! All of these pictures are part of the fabric that today weaves the club I am so proud to be a member of. Also! Perk it's giving me some great ideas for club publicity for the fall, but it might be a little too soon to tell.
So here I am. Under a mountain of scanning work to do and not too long to do it (considering the amount) and the fact that the sooner its scanned and sorted, the sooner it can be saved on CD/DVD and the sooner I can make sure that these pictures and memories are never lost! Oh and it doesn't help that once I'm done we can use the pictures to start promoting the club to get membership up. What good is yesterday if no one is around to see it tomorrow?
More details on my new discoveries to follow! Of course I'm not alone in this venture! Monty is right here helping me out....
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