Thursday, November 24, 2011

the road to recovery is one of many teeny bopper songs

It's been a crappy couple of months, and I've gone through some stuff, and I'm putting myself together finally. But it took time for me to realize that I really was in the hole and that it was time to grow up and get on with it. But now that I am "getting the hell on with it" I'm realizing that holy mother of all that is holy that I have a TON of work to do. And of course when I have a lot of work to do what do I do? I crank on my old CD's and dance around my room.

The last couple days have been a total blur of me cleaning, dancing and getting papers/assignments and homework done. Tonight for the first time in a couple days I took time off of my crazy school load to go to the rink and de-stress by skating like a crazy person and bossing around some kids, telling them to move their asses. It's pretty bad when me and my 25-yr-old broken back-ed ass can out skate these teenagers and, its even worse when I had start getting on their case to move their buts because if I have to hear the Paso Doble music more than once in a session ever again I'm going to lose my mind! I hear it at least 7 TIMES A SESSION...and these little shits sit at the boards and ignore the music and continue chatting!!!!! ITS GETTING RETARDED. Test day is in a week and these kids are slacking and I'm more fustrated now than I have ever been with skaters before. So much so that I have started butting in on their slacking gab sessions to tell them to move their asses....sigh

Anyways! So that's what I've been up to. Nothing terribly exciting. School has been kicking my ass and so has my own procrastination, but that's definitely nothing new. The weather here has been absolutely miserable, with all kinds power outages and stuff like that, I can't even imagine what our rainfall total has been with it basically having been raining non stop for the last week. Then again we can't complain, its been snowing all over the rest of Canada and well at least I don't have to shovel rain!

I just really REALLY hope it lets up before Saturday! Saturday night is the Victoria Santa Clause parade and I get to take my niece!! We have skating lessons in the morning and then the parade at night! I can't wait! But it won't be as much fun if it's pissing rain and we're bundled up in blankets and garbage bags...sigh. Oh well there will be hot chocolate!

Hope your week is going well!

Here's what I'm listening to right now
...I love that they sound like a modern mash of the Cure. Sigh...
Also for all of you that have no idea what the Paso Doble (ice dance version) is...I've added it to quench your curiosity. (and no this isn't me skating). Hear how irritating that music is? I hear it AT LEAST 7 TIMES A SESSION AND ITS ONLY A 50 MINUTE SESSION!
I'm currently working on the Tango Romantica but its pretty freaking hard when I get shafted because the slacker kids have tests so they get their music on repeat but fail to actually ever skate to it. JERKS

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