Monday, November 7, 2011

Sometimes you just keep em backwards

You know there are days I question just how the hell I function. In fact there are days where I question just how the hell I haven't been voted off the island by natural selection, as there is no way I can be considered 'the fittest' of our species.

As much as I have been trying lately, I've lost a bit of my school mojo, and seeing as that's all I have to keep me out of the house these days, its made getting up for school a bit difficult. I am no morning person, this I know, but apparently I'm also not a "morning getting dressed person" because today was the second time in probably a week that I managed to put my leggings on backwards. And both times it took HOURS to realize that's why they didn't feel comfortable. HOURS of wondering why my my leggings (that usually after November 1st I wear for extra warmth under my pants) are riding up my ass, and why they won't seem to stay down revealing over an inch of ankle. Keep in mind that the first time I did this I ripped my leggings (only the second time I'd ever worn them too damn it!), and in the same week ripped my absolute favourite pair of jeans across the knee (the jeans that survived England might I add....DAMN IT).

Ya, not a morning person, 25 and apparently cannot figure out how to dress myself still. Awesome.

Thank goodness it's reading break this week and I'll get a chance to recharge my batteries, or at least it's an excuse to get up everyday and do something other than school without guilt.

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