Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Filler Post

Ugh I've been so busy for the past week, and I've sat down a couple times to post, but every time I do, the posts get long and winded because so much is going on. I've been to Vancouver for a weekend long bitch session with Fido (him bitching not me...however it was all very informative), I've taken school tests, and I've worked tirelessly on skating competition stuff for the upcoming weekend, and yes I've been trying to pound through school stuff. Add in the fact that it snowed here, oh and in the middle of all this I got sick and you have a recipe for chaos.

So ya its been a bit nutters on my end of the computer screen, which is one of the reasons I started this blog, to show people how crazy my life can get, and to tell you all about the weird situations I somehow end up in, and of course complain about my life to an outlet that others can read and either sympathize, or say "ya ya I've got real problems barbie" to. Either way. I mean I may have been busy last week, but I also don't have a job so....ya I guess could have been a lot busier. Anyways.

So ya this past week has been so crazy that I've been struggling to sit down and post a blog. I would love to get into details about how I converted Fido from "Mr Hockey and Don't You Forget It" to "Mr Figure Skating Starts in 20 minutes so get up!!!"...or about how one should never go bra-less when sledding (damn nephews wouldn't wait for me the change....), I just can't seem to write the posts.

A really good measure of how busy I've been might be the fact that I didn't watch the newest episode of Vampire Diaries until today. Ya I waited  5 days to watch it. Will power? Not really, more like I had it on my computer and could have watched it but watching skating with Fido was more entertaining, sleeping took precedent, or sleeping for 13 hours at a time was more important (holy sh*t balls tylenol sinus nighttime kicked my ass).

But I did finally watch it, and my end opinion, is that last weeks episode of Vampire Diaries was much like this very post. A filler. We get caught up on whats going on, we check in on each character, stuff happens but it really means nothing till the next episode (or post) when everything is actually explained. And for that I'm really glad I didn't rush to watch it.  Living my life was waaay more important.

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