So, I clicked onto my blog today, thinking, 'oh I'll just make sure that everything is lookin good' (code for I want to see if any one left any comments etc). And to my shock and amazement it has been five days since I posted! Bah! When I first started my blog I got super excited and wanted to make posts like three times a day, and now, life has gotten in the way. Sigh.
So why have I been so busy? Well that would be because I took a part time job. Yup Monday morning I started my new part time career in sales. Phone are now reading the blog of "Ex-student now Telemarketer".....yea I'm one of those people everyone hates. Great.
Job offers have yet to start flowing since I finished my degree. The economy is in the hole, and there are no local jobs for anyone in my field. (ugh why do I feel the need to tell everyone my reasoning on taking a job?). So, I started to cave and started applying for everything. Anything I was even some what qualified for I sent in a resume. And presto, I got a call. Just one. For a telemarketing position. They made me read a script over the phone, and presto I was hired to come in for a test run. Oh and might I add, that they will let me take other temp gigs still and they will give me a 1-5 shift mon-fri when I start school again. huh? A company that wants to hire students.
The catch? I'm the person everyone hates. No one wants to talk to me, wants me to keep calling or wants to hear anything about anything I could possibly want to say. Everyone thinks that I'm trying to sell something that has a huge catch. When really? Well I think I may have lucked out because why yes we do want to sell you classes, we don't actually want you to pay for them. Currently the BC gov't has 15ish million dollars they want to hand out as grants to help small businesses train current employees. So say you own a trucking company. You have between 1-49 employees and you are a registured business operation for at least one year. You are eligible for a non-repayable grant for up to 5000 bucks. The catch? Um...well you do have to apply for the grant with a course already in mind, but thats where the company thats hired me comes in to save the day and say that we have a whack that are funded by the money (yea go figure).
But as luck would have it? No one gives a rat. Some guy even thought that it was all a ploy to get even more tax payers money away from the tax payers....and I mean I get it! Telemarketers suck! Well you know what sucks more? BEING ONE. No one wants to even try and listen with an open mind. And I'm not even trying to sell you something. I just want to try and get you meet with our training specialist to tell you how to apply for funding and maybe some info about the courses we offer.
I dunno, the flexibility is appealing but for whatever reason I cannot stand to waste peoples time, or piss them off. Ugh I suck at sales! I can't seem to sell myself which I think is pretty obvious as this is the only job I could get, with no sales experience, and I cannot get a job as I cannot sell myself in a resume/cover letter. So I don't know how well this is going to go at all. How my pay works is that I get paid 10 bucks an hour plus for every appointment with a sales specialist I make I get an additional 10$. I have worked 12 hours and booked only one appointment. Therefore I have made 120 dollars in wage and 10 in appointments. That means my total hourly rate has been 10.83. I could make more shoveling manure (I know this because I have).
So! Here I sit. Contemplating just how the heck I'm going to make enough money to pay my tuition by the end of September and finance my European vacation come April. Will I make it? Stay tuned.
To all my fellow British Columbians I want to wish you a very happy BC day!!! I'm heading out of town to have a pirate themed weekend family reunion, as well as am taking my computer in to be fixed in mere moments so I won't be around to wish you all a happy day off! Take care folks and I'll see you after the long weekend!
My journey as a recent grad through the mythical setting I had only ever heard of, the "real world"
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sitting, Wishing, me back you assholes!! previously mentioned, I am unemployed, well I'm a temp, who hasn't gotten much work. I apply to every job (the good, the ok, the bad and of course the seedy) and I rarely hear back from these hundreds of crappy jobs I've applied to. I get it. The economy sucks. So forgive me for having high expectations when someone is interested in me. I feel like, if a company is serious about having you work for them, they should you know BE STRAIGHT WITH YOU.
When applying for all these jobs, its hard to read through all the bullshit in the job postings. Its hard to apply for jobs and not have any idea what company you're applying for, what the pay be, or how degrading the job will actually be. And then to get a reply is shocking because there are so many different applicants that its really a "buyer's market". So to actually be asked to come in for an interview is rare. I get it. I know this. I'm not a total idiot. But you know what really burns me? When you finally cut all the crap, things look up, and then you get jerked around!!!
Why would a company start off this way? Why would after an interview would you say "we'll call you either way by this date" and then not? Or why would a company say "we will contact you either way by this time" and totally ignore you? Really? Are you kidding me?
I've been jerked around like this for the past two weeks. Waiting, hoping, begging for just any job. Is it too much to ask that even if I'm not what you're looking for that you know, just let me know? Is it too hard to pick up the phone after an interview and say "thanks but no thanks?" ESPECIALLY if you say "We'll call and let you know" they think that us sitting here waiting is so much better than having to say no to us?
Currently, I am sitting here waiting for one of those call backs. I've been doing this off and on for the last couple days. My temp agency has been jerking me around for the last week or so. It seems that they don't have stable employees, and as a result the newest person in charge of the placements didn't even know I was an employee, so god knows how many different placements I've missed out on in the last couple weeks.
I'm also waiting for a call back from the seedy place I applied to to be a telemarketer...yup I'm that desperate. I am willing to be one of those people, that people love to hang up on, ignore or be rude to. But for they are willing to be super flexible with my super tricky August schedule.
Ugh. Its a rough job world out there...but gotta do what it takes to get the money!! But common? How does being rude to potential employees do anything good for your company? Making us wait to hear if we are good enough to work for you does nothing good for you guys. Most people apply to stores they really like, and if they are rude to us then why would we want to go back? Applying to a company that wants you to be a telemarketer, but that can't call you on time? WARNING... here I sit..waiting to find out if I'm good enough, most likely to find that I am not. And it really makes me wonder, will I ever be employed? I feel like a sad dateless me! love me!! EMPLOY ME!!!
When applying for all these jobs, its hard to read through all the bullshit in the job postings. Its hard to apply for jobs and not have any idea what company you're applying for, what the pay be, or how degrading the job will actually be. And then to get a reply is shocking because there are so many different applicants that its really a "buyer's market". So to actually be asked to come in for an interview is rare. I get it. I know this. I'm not a total idiot. But you know what really burns me? When you finally cut all the crap, things look up, and then you get jerked around!!!
Why would a company start off this way? Why would after an interview would you say "we'll call you either way by this date" and then not? Or why would a company say "we will contact you either way by this time" and totally ignore you? Really? Are you kidding me?
I've been jerked around like this for the past two weeks. Waiting, hoping, begging for just any job. Is it too much to ask that even if I'm not what you're looking for that you know, just let me know? Is it too hard to pick up the phone after an interview and say "thanks but no thanks?" ESPECIALLY if you say "We'll call and let you know" they think that us sitting here waiting is so much better than having to say no to us?
Currently, I am sitting here waiting for one of those call backs. I've been doing this off and on for the last couple days. My temp agency has been jerking me around for the last week or so. It seems that they don't have stable employees, and as a result the newest person in charge of the placements didn't even know I was an employee, so god knows how many different placements I've missed out on in the last couple weeks.
I'm also waiting for a call back from the seedy place I applied to to be a telemarketer...yup I'm that desperate. I am willing to be one of those people, that people love to hang up on, ignore or be rude to. But for they are willing to be super flexible with my super tricky August schedule.
Ugh. Its a rough job world out there...but gotta do what it takes to get the money!! But common? How does being rude to potential employees do anything good for your company? Making us wait to hear if we are good enough to work for you does nothing good for you guys. Most people apply to stores they really like, and if they are rude to us then why would we want to go back? Applying to a company that wants you to be a telemarketer, but that can't call you on time? WARNING... here I sit..waiting to find out if I'm good enough, most likely to find that I am not. And it really makes me wonder, will I ever be employed? I feel like a sad dateless me! love me!! EMPLOY ME!!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A loner, but a happy one
So, recently I read an article in my local newspaper about people who blog. I can't really remember who the article was based on but it was a couple of girls that blog and they listed a bunch of reasons why they blog and yadda yadda yadda. What peaked my interest most about it was that they gave this whole list of ways to make your blog more successful. Well...ok I'll bite. I read the article and why I disagreed with a few things they suggested, something that made great sense to me was the following. They said that should someone be interested in have a more social blog (ie people that actually read it) you need to be more social on other peoples blogs. Made great sense to me. This is just like the job front. If you want a job you have to be willing to get out there and network a little. Want to make friends you have to do the same.
So I decide to give it a go. For the past week or so, every time I come online to post or check in on my own little I browse the blogs, looking for someone who has some sort of common/shared interest with me. Turns out, just like high school, I might be a blogspot loner. There were definately a few trends I noticed on my cyber cruise, but the trend of 'recent grads who don't have a clue' or 'single woman who yes wants a relationship, is not so keen on having kids' doesn't seem to be around, or at least not that I have observed. What have I observed? Well let me tell you.
A lot of people use blogspot to keep the world updated on their family. There are a lot of stories about the things kids say, and what families do on vacation out there. Now don't get me wrong I think this is awesome. What a great way to record a family history, but I don't exactly have anything in common with someone who has kids and a family etc. In fact I don't even aspire to have what they have. I'm part of a big family. I have two sisters who both have kids, and then the other half of my family is huge, I have four Aunts and three of them all have kids so family gatherings are big and loud. I look forward to the quiet lol.
Religious blogs. comes the ever so awkward religion aspect. Well awkward for me because I personally am agnostic. I don't really 'believe' in anything but evolution, which my background in biology and molecular genetics demands. I've seen first hand the changes in genomes from animal to animal and the similarities, so personally that's how I think it all works out. NOW before I get a whole shit storm of comments this doesn't mean I have a problem with other people's beliefs. Just the opposite. I think the things other think are just as cool. I mean isn't that the best part of being human? We all get to be different? I digress. So given that I appreciate others beliefs, it does not mean I want to go socializing with a group's blog soley dedicated to their chosen faith. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine there would be a lot of common interest there...And yes I know you're thinking "well just because you don't have the same faith doesn't mean you can't be friends". I agree....but isn't it kind of self centered to come storming into a blog about faith and be like "I appreciate your faith, but don't believe in it! Wanna hang?"....kind of misses the point of their blog, which obviously is important to them because...well duh they started a blog about it.
Gardening....yea no. I'm sorry. Plants are pretty, in fact I took whole courses at school dedicated to how they work, but um. Yea, that's where it ended. The only gardening I have ever done is pea plants in school and that was mandatory. Maybe one day I'll have time and interest (because it is pretty cool to plant seeds have them grow and then take care of them) but...I see it a little like parenting still. Just plants can't talk back.
Cooking. I cook, and I actually really like cooking. But I see eating as "that thing you do to make your stomach stop growling, so that you can get back outside or get back to studying/working". I know that food is great, it tastes good, good life skills involved in making it, but me? Expensive food is lost on me as I would rather just grab a sandwich and get my butt back to the rink/outside etc. common interest here either.
Baking, ok potential winner here! Baking I like! Woot! But.....I never have time to do it. So, um. What would I say? Wow that looks yummy?....hmmm
Photography. I love looking at pictures, I like taking pictures, but I don't like to comment on other peoples work. I don't tend to find deep meaning in pictures, and I'm not out to offend.
Besides, wedding pictures and stuff? Well they are just that. Family portraits and wedding pictures being the most common, what does one say to that? My what a good looking family that was?
So.....still no people in my shoes. But then again? Would I really want to me like the masses? I've never followed the crowd before, and that's why I am where I am now, and I can't say I'm sad about it. So blogspot, I shall keep on treking looking for anyone to follow and "find common interests with"...and should I not, I shall at least keep posting about me the blogspot loner.
So I decide to give it a go. For the past week or so, every time I come online to post or check in on my own little I browse the blogs, looking for someone who has some sort of common/shared interest with me. Turns out, just like high school, I might be a blogspot loner. There were definately a few trends I noticed on my cyber cruise, but the trend of 'recent grads who don't have a clue' or 'single woman who yes wants a relationship, is not so keen on having kids' doesn't seem to be around, or at least not that I have observed. What have I observed? Well let me tell you.
A lot of people use blogspot to keep the world updated on their family. There are a lot of stories about the things kids say, and what families do on vacation out there. Now don't get me wrong I think this is awesome. What a great way to record a family history, but I don't exactly have anything in common with someone who has kids and a family etc. In fact I don't even aspire to have what they have. I'm part of a big family. I have two sisters who both have kids, and then the other half of my family is huge, I have four Aunts and three of them all have kids so family gatherings are big and loud. I look forward to the quiet lol.
Religious blogs. comes the ever so awkward religion aspect. Well awkward for me because I personally am agnostic. I don't really 'believe' in anything but evolution, which my background in biology and molecular genetics demands. I've seen first hand the changes in genomes from animal to animal and the similarities, so personally that's how I think it all works out. NOW before I get a whole shit storm of comments this doesn't mean I have a problem with other people's beliefs. Just the opposite. I think the things other think are just as cool. I mean isn't that the best part of being human? We all get to be different? I digress. So given that I appreciate others beliefs, it does not mean I want to go socializing with a group's blog soley dedicated to their chosen faith. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine there would be a lot of common interest there...And yes I know you're thinking "well just because you don't have the same faith doesn't mean you can't be friends". I agree....but isn't it kind of self centered to come storming into a blog about faith and be like "I appreciate your faith, but don't believe in it! Wanna hang?"....kind of misses the point of their blog, which obviously is important to them because...well duh they started a blog about it.
Gardening....yea no. I'm sorry. Plants are pretty, in fact I took whole courses at school dedicated to how they work, but um. Yea, that's where it ended. The only gardening I have ever done is pea plants in school and that was mandatory. Maybe one day I'll have time and interest (because it is pretty cool to plant seeds have them grow and then take care of them) but...I see it a little like parenting still. Just plants can't talk back.
Cooking. I cook, and I actually really like cooking. But I see eating as "that thing you do to make your stomach stop growling, so that you can get back outside or get back to studying/working". I know that food is great, it tastes good, good life skills involved in making it, but me? Expensive food is lost on me as I would rather just grab a sandwich and get my butt back to the rink/outside etc. common interest here either.
Baking, ok potential winner here! Baking I like! Woot! But.....I never have time to do it. So, um. What would I say? Wow that looks yummy?....hmmm
Photography. I love looking at pictures, I like taking pictures, but I don't like to comment on other peoples work. I don't tend to find deep meaning in pictures, and I'm not out to offend.
So.....still no people in my shoes. But then again? Would I really want to me like the masses? I've never followed the crowd before, and that's why I am where I am now, and I can't say I'm sad about it. So blogspot, I shall keep on treking looking for anyone to follow and "find common interests with"...and should I not, I shall at least keep posting about me the blogspot loner.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Game Changers.....making the ok the 'amazing'
Have you ever been listening to an album that you have skipped through a few times before but never really liked only to find this one amazing track that makes you rediscover the album?Or have you ever put in an album that you have listened to in full many times before, but because of whatever stage you might be in, in your life it suddenly speaks louder to you? These things happen to me all the time. As I have had more time this summer (ie unemployed and not temping) I'm getting the chance to rediscover albums that I had only previously listened to in parts because I never had the chance to listen to it in full before.
When you find that random track that speaks to you unlike ever before, I call it a game changer. A song that perhaps was previously overlooked, skipped or simply ignored but upon closer inspection (or listening to it all) you find that its amazing, and it makes the whole album that much more relevant. So here are some of my game changers. These tracks made the cd's better, or helped me better understand the album, or hell just really made me like the band, or just redeemed the fact that I bought the album and sometimes even made me respect an artist that previously I had written off. (Title, Band, Album). So here are 9 game changers off the top of my head:
1. Gets it Faster- Jimmy Eat World (Bleed American) - This song, I discovered while sitting on a dock, on a lake, with my discman attached to cheap speakers. My best friend asked me what the creepy stalker song was, and I had honestly never listened to it before. I had owned the cd for months, but had always skipped it. This song soon became the shocker song of the summer, and the album became the go to album in my stereo. I also own all their albums and have seen them live. Would that have happened without the song? Who knows, but I like to think it was a game changer moment.
2. Everything - Lifehouse (No Name Face) - Yet another song that I often skipped. This particular album I purchased because of the success of 'hanging by a moment', and was a little annoyed to find the album a bit of a snooze fest. Slow and melodic, was not what I wanted as a teen, I wanted loud and angry. So needless to say I never gave this one a chance. It's also the last track on the album so it was easy to flip back to the much happier tunes. Its one of those songs that starts of slow and then goes into a bit of a power ballad, surprising the listener and rewarding the patient.
3. Lost Control - Armchair Cynics (Killing the Romance) - I love it when you go to a store, buy an album that you have no idea if you're going to like (as was the case with this album....home town bands, or anything local are my weakness) and then the first song knocks you flat on your ass because its THAT good. This song starts of with the lead singer asking you to come clean in this almost haunting voice and then goes straight into this powerful guitar heavy rift of a song. It made me open to the album and totally changed the band for me. I've seen them live twice, and love that I often see them kicking around town.
4. What She Came For - Franz Ferdinand (Tonight: Franz Ferdinand) - I think I may have sung the praises of this band before so I won't preach too much again, but this song live was what changed this whole album for me. I've always liked the songs that they put on the radio. I never owned their first CD, but had heard it through the internet before, and when the 'no you girls' came out and I liked it I figure why not give the album a go? Well before the concert I hadn't really given this particular album a chance. Heard this live, came home listened to the whole album on loud and in full. Game Changer.
5. Fingerprints - Katy Perry (One of the Boys) - So I have varied taste in music. I will listen to just about anything, and love it when someone can get me interested in a new genre. So I find it a personal feat when I can branch out on my own, get over the 'label' of an artist and give an album a shot. I heard I the infamous 'I Kissed a Girl' and well, didn't really like it but got it stuck in my head one day so I bought the album. Bopping around to the quirky pop tunes I manage to at some point get to the last song ( funny how it turns out most of my game changer are either first or last). I think I mostly like this song because it's about how she wants to live her life, instead of just letting it just pass her by. I also like the concept of how shes going to make her mark by leaving her fingerprints because me as a geeky science nerd thinks that its just so cool.
6. Giant - Matthew Good Band (Beautiful Midnight) - Yet another first track of the album that made me plotz. Heard it. Loved it. Listened to the whole album. Saw the band live. That was the song they played first, setting the mood for the entire concert. Album changer, concert changer. This particular track starts off with cheerleaders telling you to kick ass, and then have the band come in with this really heavy drum rift and when the guitar kicks in you just know that no matter what happens you are in for a great rock album.
7. One and Only - Timbaland feat Fall Out Boy (Shock Value) - So, this was a song that was on someone else's ipod in the car and I had a jaw dropping moment when someone said it was all Timbaland's doing. So this made me purchase the album because I figured anyone who could make Fall Out Boy sound so damn cool, deserved my full attention. Another great and shockingly cool track of this album? Time - Timbaland feat She Wants Revenge.
8. Different People - No Doubt (Tragic Kingdom) - I first listened to this CD while stuck in the back of a rental car touring around PEI. Still in middle school, and annoyed at my parents for thinking that PEI a la rental was a better vacation than Disneyland, stuck with my not so nice sister, I was looking for anything that would distract me from the real world. This song, made me a lot better than life. Its a song about how everyone is different, and we call do things differently, see things differently, and honestly its kind of this amazing song of understanding packed with an awesome reggae back beat. Other songs on the album were mostly about bad relationships ending, or getting over someone, or well ok...not so nice topics. So to have a song about how its great to stick out? Fit right in, made me love the CD and PRESTO fan for life.
9. Fix You Up - Tegan and Sara (So Jealous) - This is just a really lovely song about a one sided break up. You might be thinking what the hell? A lovely relationship song changed your view on this album? Well sort of. A relationship is coming to an end, but mostly because one person is giving up. The woman is saying that shes willing to do whatever it takes to get them into a better place, and that love is all she has to give. She also admits to not knowing her partner as well as she thought, but saying with time she knows she can sort it out. So what I take from this is that the girl is all in...and the partner is giving up. How is this a game changer? Well I'm not really sure what made me love this song. I mean I could have written this song myself. Any girl could have because I happen to believe that these things happen to us all. And a song that can help you express the frustration, and the annoyance that goes on when you realize that you've come to that exact point is ok in my books. Made the album go full circle for me. The album starts off talking about meeting someone and how if they knew the real you they wouldn't like you (as all couples start) and then you fall for them and would go anywhere with them (also pretty standard) the strain every relationship goes to, the fights of a self destructing relationship and then to have someone keep fighting and not want to give up? Full circle and a lovely album to use to help you get through it. (btw thats them up there signing this song live last Christmas)
So there they are. 9 songs that changed albums, and bands and life for me. And maybe, just maybe they will interest you, you random blog readers who stumble on my little slice of the internet. If anything I hope they will teach you to open your ears to music because you never know when four minutes will change years, or will open new musical doors that lead to life doors.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Me in a fight? I take myself out
Well, it is way past Sunday and to no ones surprise, my scanning project is far from finished and I have piles of laundry to do, and cds that need to be sorted, and jobs that need to be found and well same old same old. I as always have a million and one things to do yet here I sit, watching re-runs online of bad tv (ahem One Tree Hill is not nearly as good as I remember) and half ass-ing my job hunt (in all fairness there is nothing new for me to apply massive job search and apply to everything yesterday took care of whatever was out there).
This morning I did have to take my glasses into the optometrist to get new lenses, so for the remainder of the day, till four anyways, and so the rest of my day I'm planning on spending lounging around the house doing laundry and taking care of finally getting all my good will clothes together to donate, as well as figure out how the hell to most efficiently (read quickly) finish my scanning project so that I can get my scanner/printer and that big box of pictures out of my room. This box of stuff is starting to scare me as I fear it will become a permanent fixture, and that is scarier than finding out you have a midterm worth 60% an hour before you have to write it (not that that's ever happened to not me at all....).
So regardless of the looming scanning project, I did manage to actually accomplish a task! Yesterday I spent my whole morning applying to any job I could find, and a few that I'm sure to never hear from, but also! I finally knocked a big thing off my to do list! I finally washed my car! Finally no more bird crap all over my car! Finally restored back to all of its shinny goodness and more importantly another thing crossed off my list of things to go that I never get around to. Now if only it hadn't come at such a high price.
I really don't know how these things happen to me. I get myself into the strangest positions and the most embarrassing situations. While on my big push to finally get things accomplished, to feel as if I had achieved something, I managed to have it whack me in the face...literally. To wash a car important staples needed include a hose and some soapy water. Soapy water intact I started to pull out the hose, only to do so I needed to string it down past the planter and into the car port in my yard. Easy right? Well not exactly....instead of easily threading it down the side of the house it got stuck beside the planter. In front of the planter? A hanging basket and a cast iron deck chair. A hanging basket and a cast iron chair that just so happened to block the way of the planter in which the hose needed to be threaded past. I thread the hose through by crawling behind the chair and as I stand up I whack my head on the hanging basket, as I recoil, I forget about the placement of the chair and whack my face on it. Red mark induced...and I look like someone gave me a wicked right hook.
Oh well my car is finally clean. That I believe gives me a pass on the scanning project for at least one more day right?
This morning I did have to take my glasses into the optometrist to get new lenses, so for the remainder of the day, till four anyways, and so the rest of my day I'm planning on spending lounging around the house doing laundry and taking care of finally getting all my good will clothes together to donate, as well as figure out how the hell to most efficiently (read quickly) finish my scanning project so that I can get my scanner/printer and that big box of pictures out of my room. This box of stuff is starting to scare me as I fear it will become a permanent fixture, and that is scarier than finding out you have a midterm worth 60% an hour before you have to write it (not that that's ever happened to not me at all....).
So regardless of the looming scanning project, I did manage to actually accomplish a task! Yesterday I spent my whole morning applying to any job I could find, and a few that I'm sure to never hear from, but also! I finally knocked a big thing off my to do list! I finally washed my car! Finally no more bird crap all over my car! Finally restored back to all of its shinny goodness and more importantly another thing crossed off my list of things to go that I never get around to. Now if only it hadn't come at such a high price.
I really don't know how these things happen to me. I get myself into the strangest positions and the most embarrassing situations. While on my big push to finally get things accomplished, to feel as if I had achieved something, I managed to have it whack me in the face...literally. To wash a car important staples needed include a hose and some soapy water. Soapy water intact I started to pull out the hose, only to do so I needed to string it down past the planter and into the car port in my yard. Easy right? Well not exactly....instead of easily threading it down the side of the house it got stuck beside the planter. In front of the planter? A hanging basket and a cast iron deck chair. A hanging basket and a cast iron chair that just so happened to block the way of the planter in which the hose needed to be threaded past. I thread the hose through by crawling behind the chair and as I stand up I whack my head on the hanging basket, as I recoil, I forget about the placement of the chair and whack my face on it. Red mark induced...and I look like someone gave me a wicked right hook.
Oh well my car is finally clean. That I believe gives me a pass on the scanning project for at least one more day right?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Meredith Grey? I am not, just call me the Temp
After I finished my last temp gig I left a big long message for wonder woman, letting her know what I got up to, and how I finished a couple of things off for her, or explaining any lose ends etc. With that letter I left my e-mail in case something came up that needed clarification. Come Monday, when I had started temp gig number two I got an email from wonder woman thanking me for the detailed list, as well as inquiring about some more time off she wanted to take, wondering if I was free. During this email I got to wondering how things were going.
Did the labels that I had to deal with ever get there? Did I send that stuff to Italy correctly? Did someone finally figure out how the clean up after themselves? Did the carpets get cleaned? Did the right milk order come in? All the stuff that I had to take care of, I never got to see play out.
This got me thinking. Me being a temp is kind of like an Episode of Grey's Anatomy. In GA, a big problem comes up. A case comes in, someone is hurt, and needs surgery and all the doctors rush in to help them. Of course the case is never simple, or easy. It requires some research and some background knowledge and prior training. The Surgeon then goes in, does their job, patches the person up (which too is never simple either) and then they leave. The patient goes home or they die and we never find out what happened to them. The case is never followed up. And yes we still get to see the main characters life, but never the cases.
That's kind of how I feel about the temp gig. A gig comes up (a case if you will) and then I go in for some training. I take a ton of notes (background research and training if you will) and then I go in to do my job (like a surgeon coming in to patch things up) and then I leave, and I never really get to find out how things panned out. Did I make a mess? Was there internal bleeding and the patient fell over and died? Or did I tie off all lose stitches nicely and the patient went on to live another 100 years?
So I guess, as with every day of every temp gig I learned something new. While yesterday it was how to work a debit machine, and the day before that it was how to NOT piss off the business finance manager. Today it was this, I don't like unfinished endings. I feel like that this temping gig is like watching a bad GA episode. I start things, come in, patch em up and leave. I never get to find out how it all ends up, I just get them on their way there. Another day, another whack of jobs to cross off the list of things I don't want to do for a living. Receptionist at a car dealership (I get all the complaints all day when people don't get what they want) and surgeon (not putting myself elbows deep in someone and not at least making sure their ok after).
All in all? Successful day! I mean....I worked and I learned! Who needs school to figure out what you want to do when you have real life temping experiences to tell you!
Did the labels that I had to deal with ever get there? Did I send that stuff to Italy correctly? Did someone finally figure out how the clean up after themselves? Did the carpets get cleaned? Did the right milk order come in? All the stuff that I had to take care of, I never got to see play out.
This got me thinking. Me being a temp is kind of like an Episode of Grey's Anatomy. In GA, a big problem comes up. A case comes in, someone is hurt, and needs surgery and all the doctors rush in to help them. Of course the case is never simple, or easy. It requires some research and some background knowledge and prior training. The Surgeon then goes in, does their job, patches the person up (which too is never simple either) and then they leave. The patient goes home or they die and we never find out what happened to them. The case is never followed up. And yes we still get to see the main characters life, but never the cases.
That's kind of how I feel about the temp gig. A gig comes up (a case if you will) and then I go in for some training. I take a ton of notes (background research and training if you will) and then I go in to do my job (like a surgeon coming in to patch things up) and then I leave, and I never really get to find out how things panned out. Did I make a mess? Was there internal bleeding and the patient fell over and died? Or did I tie off all lose stitches nicely and the patient went on to live another 100 years?
So I guess, as with every day of every temp gig I learned something new. While yesterday it was how to work a debit machine, and the day before that it was how to NOT piss off the business finance manager. Today it was this, I don't like unfinished endings. I feel like that this temping gig is like watching a bad GA episode. I start things, come in, patch em up and leave. I never get to find out how it all ends up, I just get them on their way there. Another day, another whack of jobs to cross off the list of things I don't want to do for a living. Receptionist at a car dealership (I get all the complaints all day when people don't get what they want) and surgeon (not putting myself elbows deep in someone and not at least making sure their ok after).
All in all? Successful day! I mean....I worked and I learned! Who needs school to figure out what you want to do when you have real life temping experiences to tell you!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I'll do it later....or why Hogwarts is better than University
I am full of many an undesirable qualities. I'm human and therefore I am not perfect so this is just all classified under the 'shit that happens' category of life. One of my more unappealing qualities? I'm probably one of the biggest procrastinators you'll ever me. Now I say this with the meaning that I believe there to be many forms of procrastination, and that I am Queen of any of the procrastination sub-categories (see, can't you seem I'm the worlds best student, I break things down into categories and sub categories and define them!).
Lazy Procrastination: the kind where you are constantly saying "I'll do it later when I have more time". Oh yea this is a bad one for me. I leave things in the car for months because I am too lazy to move it into the house because I know if it comes into the house it will sit on the kitchen table or my bedroom vanity window for months because I find the time to figure out what to do with it (unless its clothes, those I don't tend to leave in the car). Shoes, water bottles, books, binders, light up head sets from Canada day, at least two different umbrellas, sunscreen from last summer, and about 5 different pairs of sunglasses (which I can't even wear while driving because none of them are prescription) are all in my car right now. And I'm guessing they will probably stay there till...well at least later when I have more time.
The reality here is, if I wasn't so damned lazy these things could all be in my house and put away. But since I don't use them all that often they stay there and I totally forget about them till I open my car and go "huh guess I should clean this crap up"....followed by "crap I'm in a rush to get to (enter one of my million commitments here) I'll have to do it later".....its a vicious cycle really.
Tired Procrastination: I use this excuse all the time. 'I will do this in an hour, after I get a nap in" or "I'll just sit and watch some tv to rest then I'll do laundry". Needless to say, at least triple the time later I'm either still too exhausted (read: lazy) to get anything done or I'm out like a light still, and am still sitting without anything accomplished (then again? getting rid of the bags 2 straight semesters of school gave me? That IS an accomplishment). I am completely useless when I haven't had enough sleep or am tired. As a student I learned how to study through it with copious amounts of caffeine, sugar and loud music in noise canceling headphones till all hours of the night, but it doesn't mean I was the most efficient person in the world. My weakness was Harry Potter. If a new Harry Potter book came out and I was in the studying, school ceased to exist and I would drift off to Hogwarts where I could fight he-who-must-not-be-named with Harry and his gang, instead of trying to figure out where halogen groups would bench themselves on a benzene ring (thank you over priced degree, again you help me sound like a total geek, which I love!). And common, the new books came out so rarely that waiting till midnight to get your copy and then going home to pound through the book was a must! At Hogwarts, while yes the students there had to study, at least they got to change mice into water goblets and make drafts of living death, in University the coolest thing I did in a lab was enlarge cheek cell DNA, and that? Not nearly as cool.
Time test, age approved, good ole Procrastination: where you basically just don't do something till absolutely the last minute, not because you run out of time, or because the task is too difficult, but where you have something you need to do and you just keep putting if off for no reason. I don't (to my knowledge) do this one a whole lot. In fact I usually have some sort excuse (regardless of how lame or legit it may be) to avoid a task. In fact as I sit here typing I cannot really think of anything I have done lately that I just put off for no other reason that "I don't want to"....Score one for me here then!
So why all the talk of procrastination? Well it turns out there really aren't enough hours in a day and I am desperately behind on my scanning/archiving project I promised for my skating club. My computer is old, and the screen turns it self off from time to time so I have to be careful where I set up to start this project (would really REALLY suck to start scanning in another batch of pictures only to have my screen die and need to reboot, but not really being able to save my batch). Also I didn't think I would be working this week so I figured "great! I'll do laundry, scan pictures, clean up, clean out the car, wash the car etc etc"...and then PRESTO got another temp gig (which lets face it: YAY MONEY!). I once had a friend tell me that the reason I got so good at all forms of procrastination is that I never plan any time for myself, and that any minute I have any sort of down time, its no wonder I don't want to pull myself out of bed, I'm too excited to actually be in it for a nap that the task of getting out just seems daunting, which ok I think held some truth when I was in school. But now? That bucket really doesn't hold much water (or that water goblet still has mouse ears if you will).
I have just decided that by the end of the week I WILL have this scanning project done. I will get this big box out of my room, and will be able to move my printer back to its home as opposed to on a chair in my room. So here I sit on a jam packed Sunday afternoon, in bed, too lazy to get up and switch over the laundry that literally just buzzed, looming self proclaimed scanning project deadline a mere 7 days away.... thinking...I can fit a nap in right? Ugh....I really will never learn!
So here's my message to all! It's Sunday! Sit back! Relax (just like my polar bear buddy up top did all Christmas day last year in NYC's Central Park Zoo, took the picture myself hoping my pathetic flash would wake him up...of course no dice), but make sure to switch over the laundry so that tomorrow you won't have to go to work in the buff! Will I figure out this project? I'm no sure but we will certainly know by next week!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in
SO today marked my last day at my first temp gig, and man alive am I glad to be out of there. The people were great, the company was fantastic, the work they do is amazing. The idea of cleaning up after them every day? No thank you.
So today I put my very last temp company number one dish in the dish washer, and wiped down my very last temp job number one table, and headed home. Upon leaving temp gig number one (a software company gig) I landed temp company number 2 (car dealership).....erm ok?
I got home from work totally beat and in need of getting my stuff together to get to running (yea I go running 3ish times a week but right now things are not going so swift....another time perhaps) and got a call from a woman offering me an MOA job, based only on my resume and without an interview. Full Time. There in lies the problem. What about school? If there is anything I have learned from temp gig number one, its that I dont want to be cleaning up after everyone else my whole life. I don't want to answer phones for my career, or sitting at a desk. I have worked in a medical office before, and I really didn't mind it. But I want to do things! I want to travel! I want to go get my ruddy pre-recs done and go back to school full time to get another degree so I can go on into health care! And a full time job I suppose just doesn't really fit into that category right now. I can't take a job and then want a leave of absence....its just not fair!
Sigh.....I this whole thing has me stressed out, scared and conflicted. If I give up one opportunity, will the next one really be that good? Will I never find better? Well! Too late now! I already respectfully declined the full time position and will continue with temping and part time anything I can find. Here's hoping!
So today I put my very last temp company number one dish in the dish washer, and wiped down my very last temp job number one table, and headed home. Upon leaving temp gig number one (a software company gig) I landed temp company number 2 (car dealership).....erm ok?
I got home from work totally beat and in need of getting my stuff together to get to running (yea I go running 3ish times a week but right now things are not going so swift....another time perhaps) and got a call from a woman offering me an MOA job, based only on my resume and without an interview. Full Time. There in lies the problem. What about school? If there is anything I have learned from temp gig number one, its that I dont want to be cleaning up after everyone else my whole life. I don't want to answer phones for my career, or sitting at a desk. I have worked in a medical office before, and I really didn't mind it. But I want to do things! I want to travel! I want to go get my ruddy pre-recs done and go back to school full time to get another degree so I can go on into health care! And a full time job I suppose just doesn't really fit into that category right now. I can't take a job and then want a leave of absence....its just not fair!
Sigh.....I this whole thing has me stressed out, scared and conflicted. If I give up one opportunity, will the next one really be that good? Will I never find better? Well! Too late now! I already respectfully declined the full time position and will continue with temping and part time anything I can find. Here's hoping!
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