After I finished my last temp gig I left a big long message for wonder woman, letting her know what I got up to, and how I finished a couple of things off for her, or explaining any lose ends etc. With that letter I left my e-mail in case something came up that needed clarification. Come Monday, when I had started temp gig number two I got an email from wonder woman thanking me for the detailed list, as well as inquiring about some more time off she wanted to take, wondering if I was free. During this email I got to wondering how things were going.
Did the labels that I had to deal with ever get there? Did I send that stuff to Italy correctly? Did someone finally figure out how the clean up after themselves? Did the carpets get cleaned? Did the right milk order come in? All the stuff that I had to take care of, I never got to see play out.
This got me thinking. Me being a temp is kind of like an Episode of Grey's Anatomy. In GA, a big problem comes up. A case comes in, someone is hurt, and needs surgery and all the doctors rush in to help them. Of course the case is never simple, or easy. It requires some research and some background knowledge and prior training. The Surgeon then goes in, does their job, patches the person up (which too is never simple either) and then they leave. The patient goes home or they die and we never find out what happened to them. The case is never followed up. And yes we still get to see the main characters life, but never the cases.
That's kind of how I feel about the temp gig. A gig comes up (a case if you will) and then I go in for some training. I take a ton of notes (background research and training if you will) and then I go in to do my job (like a surgeon coming in to patch things up) and then I leave, and I never really get to find out how things panned out. Did I make a mess? Was there internal bleeding and the patient fell over and died? Or did I tie off all lose stitches nicely and the patient went on to live another 100 years?
So I guess, as with every day of every temp gig I learned something new. While yesterday it was how to work a debit machine, and the day before that it was how to NOT piss off the business finance manager. Today it was this, I don't like unfinished endings. I feel like that this temping gig is like watching a bad GA episode. I start things, come in, patch em up and leave. I never get to find out how it all ends up, I just get them on their way there. Another day, another whack of jobs to cross off the list of things I don't want to do for a living. Receptionist at a car dealership (I get all the complaints all day when people don't get what they want) and surgeon (not putting myself elbows deep in someone and not at least making sure their ok after).
All in all? Successful day! I mean....I worked and I learned! Who needs school to figure out what you want to do when you have real life temping experiences to tell you!
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