I am full of many an undesirable qualities. I'm human and therefore I am not perfect so this is just all classified under the 'shit that happens' category of life. One of my more unappealing qualities? I'm probably one of the biggest procrastinators you'll ever me. Now I say this with the meaning that I believe there to be many forms of procrastination, and that I am Queen of any of the procrastination sub-categories (see, can't you seem I'm the worlds best student, I break things down into categories and sub categories and define them!).
Lazy Procrastination: the kind where you are constantly saying "I'll do it later when I have more time". Oh yea this is a bad one for me. I leave things in the car for months because I am too lazy to move it into the house because I know if it comes into the house it will sit on the kitchen table or my bedroom vanity window for months because I find the time to figure out what to do with it (unless its clothes, those I don't tend to leave in the car). Shoes, water bottles, books, binders, light up head sets from Canada day, at least two different umbrellas, sunscreen from last summer, and about 5 different pairs of sunglasses (which I can't even wear while driving because none of them are prescription) are all in my car right now. And I'm guessing they will probably stay there till...well at least later when I have more time.
The reality here is, if I wasn't so damned lazy these things could all be in my house and put away. But since I don't use them all that often they stay there and I totally forget about them till I open my car and go "huh guess I should clean this crap up"....followed by "crap I'm in a rush to get to (enter one of my million commitments here) I'll have to do it later".....its a vicious cycle really.
Tired Procrastination: I use this excuse all the time. 'I will do this in an hour, after I get a nap in" or "I'll just sit and watch some tv to rest then I'll do laundry". Needless to say, at least triple the time later I'm either still too exhausted (read: lazy) to get anything done or I'm out like a light still, and am still sitting without anything accomplished (then again? getting rid of the bags 2 straight semesters of school gave me? That IS an accomplishment). I am completely useless when I haven't had enough sleep or am tired. As a student I learned how to study through it with copious amounts of caffeine, sugar and loud music in noise canceling headphones till all hours of the night, but it doesn't mean I was the most efficient person in the world. My weakness was Harry Potter. If a new Harry Potter book came out and I was in the studying, school ceased to exist and I would drift off to Hogwarts where I could fight he-who-must-not-be-named with Harry and his gang, instead of trying to figure out where halogen groups would bench themselves on a benzene ring (thank you over priced degree, again you help me sound like a total geek, which I love!). And common, the new books came out so rarely that waiting till midnight to get your copy and then going home to pound through the book was a must! At Hogwarts, while yes the students there had to study, at least they got to change mice into water goblets and make drafts of living death, in University the coolest thing I did in a lab was enlarge cheek cell DNA, and that? Not nearly as cool.
Time test, age approved, good ole Procrastination: where you basically just don't do something till absolutely the last minute, not because you run out of time, or because the task is too difficult, but where you have something you need to do and you just keep putting if off for no reason. I don't (to my knowledge) do this one a whole lot. In fact I usually have some sort excuse (regardless of how lame or legit it may be) to avoid a task. In fact as I sit here typing I cannot really think of anything I have done lately that I just put off for no other reason that "I don't want to"....Score one for me here then!
So why all the talk of procrastination? Well it turns out there really aren't enough hours in a day and I am desperately behind on my scanning/archiving project I promised for my skating club. My computer is old, and the screen turns it self off from time to time so I have to be careful where I set up to start this project (would really REALLY suck to start scanning in another batch of pictures only to have my screen die and need to reboot, but not really being able to save my batch). Also I didn't think I would be working this week so I figured "great! I'll do laundry, scan pictures, clean up, clean out the car, wash the car etc etc"...and then PRESTO got another temp gig (which lets face it: YAY MONEY!). I once had a friend tell me that the reason I got so good at all forms of procrastination is that I never plan any time for myself, and that any minute I have any sort of down time, its no wonder I don't want to pull myself out of bed, I'm too excited to actually be in it for a nap that the task of getting out just seems daunting, which ok I think held some truth when I was in school. But now? That bucket really doesn't hold much water (or that water goblet still has mouse ears if you will).
I have just decided that by the end of the week I WILL have this scanning project done. I will get this big box out of my room, and will be able to move my printer back to its home as opposed to on a chair in my room. So here I sit on a jam packed Sunday afternoon, in bed, too lazy to get up and switch over the laundry that literally just buzzed, looming self proclaimed scanning project deadline a mere 7 days away.... thinking...I can fit a nap in right? Ugh....I really will never learn!
So here's my message to all! It's Sunday! Sit back! Relax (just like my polar bear buddy up top did all Christmas day last year in NYC's Central Park Zoo, took the picture myself hoping my pathetic flash would wake him up...of course no dice), but make sure to switch over the laundry so that tomorrow you won't have to go to work in the buff! Will I figure out this project? I'm no sure but we will certainly know by next week!
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