So I decide to give it a go. For the past week or so, every time I come online to post or check in on my own little I browse the blogs, looking for someone who has some sort of common/shared interest with me. Turns out, just like high school, I might be a blogspot loner. There were definately a few trends I noticed on my cyber cruise, but the trend of 'recent grads who don't have a clue' or 'single woman who yes wants a relationship, is not so keen on having kids' doesn't seem to be around, or at least not that I have observed. What have I observed? Well let me tell you.
A lot of people use blogspot to keep the world updated on their family. There are a lot of stories about the things kids say, and what families do on vacation out there. Now don't get me wrong I think this is awesome. What a great way to record a family history, but I don't exactly have anything in common with someone who has kids and a family etc. In fact I don't even aspire to have what they have. I'm part of a big family. I have two sisters who both have kids, and then the other half of my family is huge, I have four Aunts and three of them all have kids so family gatherings are big and loud. I look forward to the quiet lol.
Religious blogs. comes the ever so awkward religion aspect. Well awkward for me because I personally am agnostic. I don't really 'believe' in anything but evolution, which my background in biology and molecular genetics demands. I've seen first hand the changes in genomes from animal to animal and the similarities, so personally that's how I think it all works out. NOW before I get a whole shit storm of comments this doesn't mean I have a problem with other people's beliefs. Just the opposite. I think the things other think are just as cool. I mean isn't that the best part of being human? We all get to be different? I digress. So given that I appreciate others beliefs, it does not mean I want to go socializing with a group's blog soley dedicated to their chosen faith. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine there would be a lot of common interest there...And yes I know you're thinking "well just because you don't have the same faith doesn't mean you can't be friends". I agree....but isn't it kind of self centered to come storming into a blog about faith and be like "I appreciate your faith, but don't believe in it! Wanna hang?"....kind of misses the point of their blog, which obviously is important to them because...well duh they started a blog about it.
Gardening....yea no. I'm sorry. Plants are pretty, in fact I took whole courses at school dedicated to how they work, but um. Yea, that's where it ended. The only gardening I have ever done is pea plants in school and that was mandatory. Maybe one day I'll have time and interest (because it is pretty cool to plant seeds have them grow and then take care of them) but...I see it a little like parenting still. Just plants can't talk back.
Cooking. I cook, and I actually really like cooking. But I see eating as "that thing you do to make your stomach stop growling, so that you can get back outside or get back to studying/working". I know that food is great, it tastes good, good life skills involved in making it, but me? Expensive food is lost on me as I would rather just grab a sandwich and get my butt back to the rink/outside etc. common interest here either.
Baking, ok potential winner here! Baking I like! Woot! But.....I never have time to do it. So, um. What would I say? Wow that looks yummy?....hmmm
Photography. I love looking at pictures, I like taking pictures, but I don't like to comment on other peoples work. I don't tend to find deep meaning in pictures, and I'm not out to offend.
So.....still no people in my shoes. But then again? Would I really want to me like the masses? I've never followed the crowd before, and that's why I am where I am now, and I can't say I'm sad about it. So blogspot, I shall keep on treking looking for anyone to follow and "find common interests with"...and should I not, I shall at least keep posting about me the blogspot loner.
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