Friday, July 2, 2010

Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in

SO today marked my last day at my first temp gig, and man alive am I glad to be out of there. The people were great, the company was fantastic, the work they do is amazing. The idea of cleaning up after them every day? No thank you.

So today I put my very last temp company number one dish in the dish washer, and wiped down my very last temp job number one table, and headed home. Upon leaving temp gig number one (a software company gig) I landed temp company number 2 (car dealership).....erm ok?

I got home from work totally beat and in need of getting my stuff together to get to running (yea I go running 3ish times a week but right now things are not going so swift....another time perhaps) and got a call from a woman offering me an MOA job, based only on my resume and without an interview. Full Time. There in lies the problem. What about school? If there is anything I have learned from temp gig number one, its that I dont want to be cleaning up after everyone else my whole life. I don't want to answer phones for my career, or sitting at a desk. I have worked in a medical office before, and I really didn't mind it. But I want to do things! I want to travel! I want to go get my ruddy pre-recs done and go back to school full time to get another degree so I can go on into health care! And a full time job I suppose just doesn't really fit into that category right now. I can't take a job and then want a leave of absence....its just not fair!

Sigh.....I this whole thing has me stressed out, scared and conflicted. If I give up one opportunity, will the next one really be that good? Will I never find better? Well! Too late now! I already respectfully declined the full time position and will continue with temping and part time anything I can find. Here's hoping!

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