Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Year in review.

Ahhh another year is ending and we are looking forwards to 2012. If I do say so myself, I am quite pleased to be finished with 2011.

2011 started off well enough I guess. I started work with the Federal Government and was looking good for a term position, but that fell to pot so I was unemployed again (nothing shocking there). I spent almost 6 weeks treking around the UK on a solo vacation, which was the start of many firsts for me!

on either side of Tower Bridge
I had never been off the North American Continent, and I had never been so far away from home, nor had I ever done it alone. So that was a bit crazy. Walking around London by myself realizing that I was by myself, and could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted? That was just freaking awesome. I wasn't accountable to anyone but myself. I could eat where I wanted, drink what I wanted, and shop as I pleased and see whatever sights I deemed interesting. So yes I spent an hour in Harrods picking out the perfect gift for my mom while eyeing up all the high end designer shoes. And no I didn't check out a single museum in London. Any regrets? Not a single one.

I spent almost weeks on bus tours meeting amazing people from all over the world and started to really understand what it means to never judge a book by its cover. First impressions aren't always right, but your gut feeling never misses. I also learned to stand up for myself because ultimately if you don't stand up for yourself and how you're feeling, no one else will.

Me in the Circus in Bath
UK was amazing for a couple other reasons. I learned that I can do things on my own. Until then I had always had people covering my back. No matter what happened to me I had an army of people behind me to catch me if I feel, and just before leaving for the UK and even more so after returning I realized that I had started to get a bit too dependent on that. Certain people in my life couldn't seem to come to terms with the fact that yes I was very capable of doing things myself, and that I didn't need people to treat me like an infant. A big realization came right as I walked through the security gate to leave for London. The Asscountant felt the need to come with me all the way to Vancovuer, take me to the airport and make sure I got on that plane. He watched my plane take off. Now I know you're all thinking "Ex Student you're nuts that's him showing he cared and he was just doing a nice thing", and to an extent you're right. But before all that I argued with him tooth and nail I could just go over myself and take the bus and take the ferry, but he said no that it was stupid. Now before I start getting all "he said she said" and showing how bitter I am, really my point here is that in 2011 I realized how bloody dependent I was on other people. And it was all the little things that added up to me realizing I couldn't live like that. Isn't part of any relationship blind faith that the other knows what they are doing sometimes?

I spent almost 6 weeks in the UK (England, Scotland and Ireland) and never once did I get lost (ok well that's a bit of lie...I got "turned around" in London but ended up going to Kings Cross and seeing where Harry Potter was filmed and jumped on the Tube and was back to my hotel in no not really lost but was wondering...), or was mugged or got food poisoning. I never once overspent, and I never once got shot or hurt. I was 100% responsible for myself, and everything turned ok peachy. I found my tours, and managed the tubes, I saw a West End Show at night and made it home safely, I had ice cream in Hyde Park and saw Buckingham Palace. I got on the trains and got myself to Manchester, and got myself to and from Dublin by bus and ferry. All came up daisies :)

So I came back from England and didn't let people step all over me. And apparently that meant I had changed too much, and the Asscountant and I went our separate ways. He said I had changed too much, I said I just didn't want him to control my life for me. He had also made some pretty harsh comments about how I am choosing to live my life, and he also mentioned that I was a pain in his ass (in other words but the jist is still the same). I still stipulate to this day that if it had not been for me, he would never have made it to where he is, and would have dropped out of CASB after he failed a module.

Its taken me quite awhile, and while I still miss this person that was so intricately woven into my life, I'm realizing that I can make it without them, and that I certainly don't need people in my life doubting my decisions. Who want things from me but don't reciprocate.

After my UK trip I went back to working with the Federal Government to finish out the last of my contract. After that I basically lounged around for the summer, taking temp gigs and doing whatever I wanted. Which I'm sure did not thrill my parents. But it made for a great summer.  I did manage to see the Pixies in concert and took in Wicked in Vancouver (saw it in NY originally but the Vancouver one was decent). Also saw Dralion the travelling show with my parents which sounds geeky but was totally awesome.

Jasper National Park
I also spent a week with my other sister Krazy (again not her name just a cute nickname) and her son and my other nephew JYD (again...a nickname) going from Victoria to Valemont (hillbilly hell...) to Edmonton (shopping!!) to Jasper National Park. All in this time span Krazy destroyed almost 1000$ of eyewear. All mine, and I was blind. But there was something incredibly cool about seeing more of my own back yard. I got to see what makes this country so beautiful. I got to be a bit of a tourist and of course as I wasn't working it was nice to meander and do whatever. Also cool? Jasper has hotsprings and tons of goats running around! Also got to see moose!! Also learned that I cannot spend a week in a car with Krazy's son because hes an arse. But that's totally another story. Honestly contemplated pushing him off a cliff. We also drove through Banff National Park and I got to see the glacier and JYD I treked to the top, in like jeans and t shirts while people around us had actual gear on....oh well! We survived!

Anway. Still grieving the loss of the Asscountant and having to come to terms with the declining health of my Granddad, I decided to go back to school and take classes. I had the funds and the time and no jobs were coming available so why not? That's not true actually. I could have gone to work with SeaSpan ship builders because of my Federal Government training but it didn't seem like a good idea at the time. I could have also gone to start another school program off the Island but I decided against it. Which I do believe in the end was the right choice.

The edge of the glacier in Banff National Park
I took classes that I figured would eventually get me in a good place to apply to better grad programs and it suited me anyways because after a very long struggle with Pulmonary Fibrosis my Granddad passed away and as a result my life crumbled a bit. He had always been someone impartial in my life that I could talk to about anything. We had lenghty conversations about everything and anything and he always understood me. We had a really unique relationship compared to the rest of my cousins. They saw him as an authority figure, I saw him as the loveable Granddad that always had advice for me. He always believed in me doing whatever I wanted to do and not taking any shit for it. Those were pretty much his exact words "Always do what you think is best, don't take shit from anyone else about it". Also he told me that I had a good head on my shoulders and that with it I could never go wrong trusting my gut. I still feel his loss. Every day. But I realize that he wouldn't have wanted me to be too wrapped up in it that I couldn't live my life.

One of the reasons I decided not to move off the Island is that I knew the minute I did, he would pass away and I would be right back where I started, so now I can move without worrying about him. Wanting to be close by to be near him was really important to me and now that he's passed, I can literally move on too.

Il Pacas at the fair!
So with that all happening, (and with the Saanich Fair happening in there somewhere too) I took a semester of school and seemed to do fairly well. I became a shoulder to cry on and friend for advice for my old work supervisor as she returned to University after years of being with the federal government. I became a study buddy to so most amazing people with shitty time management skills (but oh well it all worked out in the end lol).

My friend T went back to school and seems to be kicking butt and taking names in her Office administration program, which means that together we are one step closer to world domination (I swear get enough coffee and sugar in us and we could do it). Her daughter Squirt (not her real name I assure you but my nickname for her) had a busy year as well, she turned three started preschool and the best part (in my humble opinion) got her first skating badge!!!!! So proud of her accomplishments!

Squirts First time skating!! Us having a pow wow.
Taking Squirt to skating lessons every Saturday I'm sure had fufilled any maternal instinct my ovaries might have ever felt, and it was actually a lot of fun! We did two sessions of parent and tot skating lessons (first session we had a terrible instructor, second instructor was incredibly cute and yes I have a ridiculous crush on him). It also kept us busy with life as both T and I had suffered significant family losses this year.

And with that school continued to pass by as did the fall and we were soon into winter and my skating club decided that this year will be its last with active skaters, with us taking next year to close down completely. I shattered by this decision have really stepped away from my skating club. I also recieved by level one promotion so I've been to and from skating competitions a lot this year which has been awesome.

Every time I go to a skating competition I learn something new about skating, the people involved and skating and even myself. I learn a new trick to my position, I learn whose butt to kiss and who to stay away from, and I learn that I myself never want to be like these people and if given the chance, I want to be able to help change Figure Skating in Canada. I want more people to have the opportunity to skate and I want everyone to remember that we as volunteers are here for the skaters and for the sport. Not to be power tripping dictators, which is sadly sometimes the case.

My dog Roo!!!

As I'm reviewing my year I'm trying to think of all the things I did and places I went. Trying to figure out where things like concerts and such fit in and when I went where. I know I went to a 3 Days grace concert and saw Finger 11 live with the Envy but where they all fit in is a bit vauge. I also stopped associating with one of my oldest friends because she couldn't get over her jealousy or something (?) with me going to England (seems that trip pissed off a lot of people lol) and sadly the fact that I don't really miss their crappy attitude was another rude awakening. Apparently according to T and my Mom I'm a lot nicer now that I don't hang around this person. I know I volunteered with skating and such like a crazy person. Always the person to jump in and help out when needed, but I certainly cut back on things like volunteering at the hospital and didn't take a gig with the SPCA like I've always wanted to. This year also brought me Roo!!! My communal family dog!! Technically BB's dog but he spends so much time with my dad at the farm hes mostly communal. And he's the absolute best thing. Best dog in the world hands down.

Vans Warped Tour 2011 The Gorge
Along the lines in here somewhere I managed to take a couple road trips with my sister BB to see a couple concerts. We took in The Vans Warped Tour in Gorge WA, which was fantastic, and in November we saw the Michael Jackson Immortal Tour which was ok. 

I know they say that how you spend your New Years Eve is how you will spend the rest of the year, and after the year I've had, if 2012 is a quiet year surrounded by awesome family (as much as they drive me literally insane) and amazing friends, then I will consider myself incredibly lucky.

Happy New Year All!! Whatever you do tonight I hope you have a fantastic (and safe) one!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year, Bring It ON.

I hope everyone had a great holiday time! This year was the first in many years that I had a truly easy and relaxing Christmas. For many years past I've usually spent my Christmas running from house to house struggling to buy the perfect gifts and trying to fit everyone in. This year? Not so much!

I made a point of slowing down, because I'm starting to realize that if you rush through things you never really get to enjoy them, and enjoying time with family and friends is what really matters, not how many kilometers I clocked on my car getting from point to point. Besides it sucks spending the majority of your holidays alone in your car. Radio hosts do not make for great conversations. Then when you get stuck going through a roadblock cops think you're crazy for talking with your radio. Bad news I tell you.

So this year I cut back a bit and instead of trying to rush from place to place I divided things up by going to one place per day and spending more time in there total, which worked out great. Sigh it was glorious. Ate too much and had good times with family

I got brand new bedding from my parents and I'm not going to lie its made getting out of bed in the morning rather difficult. I plan on buying a new memory foam for my bed and I doubt after that I will ever want to get up. Oh well, perhaps if I make my bed a place I desire to be someone new may follow me, if you build it they will come? (Wishful dreaming I think but still!)

Anyways! All is good on my end! Now that I go back to school in a few short days I'm desperately trying to read non school books and clean up all my crap from last semester to start off a fresh new year...but given my comfortable sleeping situation, I shan't hold my breath :)

Brings me to my next dilema, new years resolutions?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Warmest Wishes

Just wanted to take a quick minute to tell anyone who passes my page that I wish them the warmest of wishes today! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, or nothing at all, I hope that today you get a chance to sit back and relax and enjoy a day where everyone sees the good.

In life so often we forget to sit back and enjoy the moments we often work so hard for or wait for so long to reach us. We shop, we cook, we bake but sometimes we miss whats important and today, what's most important is not what gifts we get, but who we spend time with and the memories we make.

Looking back today I think of Holidays past and none of my fondest memories are of what gifts I got or who spent the most, they are of family getting together and being around a table spending time with loved ones. The turkey may be too dry, or the pie may burn, but the people around that table? Will always be there to laugh about it in the end. And really? That's what's really important :)

So for those who stumble upon my page, may you enjoy your day and keep those you love close by. Because really? That's what the holidays are all about.

Peace on Earth

Should you need it, here's a little inspiration from my favourite Christmas Movie. (Not because its really all that funny but because it makes my Dad laugh like he's a two year old making fart noises and that makes me laugh every time)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to really annoy people.

So because I'm unemployed and no longer volunteering, and basically have nothing to do all day except actaully do stuff that needs to be done (ie crap I've been procrastinating) I've been perhaps abusing my friends a wee bit. And because I've been lazy and sleeping in and staying up late my internal clock is a bit askew I've been ignoring the times of day I have been texting people with stupid thoughts that enter my head. In other words I'm bored and I'm taking it out of my friends....the poor suckers who put up with me for no apparent reason.

Turns out my friend Fido doesn't like being woken up at 1:30 in the morning with a text simply stating "....are you dead?" which he replied "It's 1:30 in the F***ing morning what the F*** do you want?"...

...serves the jerk right I woke him up because he failed to text me back when I texted him at like 3 this afternoon. Also serves him right because the jerk actually has drunk dialed me at ridiculous times more than once (although I'm almost certain he is going to make me pay for this one dearly because he doesn't play fair...JERK....he's a dog...hence the name). Its not like we ever talk at a normal hour anyways.

OH then it gets worse! So I figured he was going to be so pissed  off about it that I didn't really look at my phone again after I texted him a quick "Opps! Sorry! Night!" and went on to trying to entertain myself some other way...and it turns out he texted back a couple times saying that he hoped I "was dying for F***ing waking" him up, because now he was "awake" and I better tell him "what the F*** was so important because if [I] didn't he'd want to strangle [me]"..... Ohhhh grumpy Fido is NOT a nice Fido.

And because I never texted him back after his disgruntled text I now fear his anger will have only multiplied. Especially now that I have texted him back like an hour later, after he is sure to have rolled over and gone back to sleep...only to have had me annoy him again. Oh now its just getting enjoyable! Come on its just getting funny! I mean all the times he drunk dialed me and called me to tell me the dirty things he was up to, or about how he had come to town without calling me but how I would go out of my way to make sure he was alive because he doesn't really have many people in his life that care if he's breathing (See I told you this guy was no catch...its one of the many reasons I won't sleep with him regardless of his many attempts to make it happen.....long long story but nothings ever happened...I like being his friend and sex? WELL that would screw things right up....pun intended).

For the record this is exactly why I don't tend to be either unemployed or out of school for too long. I'm too good at being lazy (see previous posts) and annoying people. I fear my friends would probably shoot me if I didn't eventually find other things to do than bug them. This is also how I get myself into new volunteer gigs and such.....if I stay dormant too long...I get lazy and risk being shot by friends.....And apparently tonight I need to fear Fido strangling me in my sleep even though he lives a ferry ride away. And yet? I'm still chuckling.

The day I did absolutely nothing useful. Eff.

I have a confession. I have a million and one things to do before Dec 25th (took a scary tally of gifty things and I am SOOO screwed) and I have a ton of cleaning to do and a million errands to run around doing....and what did I do today? I stayed in bed till 3 PM reading and eating trash, then I lazily hauled my butt into the shower, after which I went back to my optometrists to get my brand new glasses replaced because the paint on them was chipped. Trust me its a big deal. After having glasses held together by nail polish and super glue (because one of the rubber bits on the temple fell off) I was not putting up with anymore chipping because god damn it nail polish is meant for fingernails (mine by the way are drying right now and its the perfect excuse to blog two days in a row!!) NOT for glasses frames that cost me 220 plus the cost of fancy digital lenses. My optometrists office was totally amazing and they agreed and the frames are going to be re ordered. Until then I have a pair I can beat up till my new ones come in. Win.

Anyway. After the optometrist I went to the mall. For the sole intent of picking up my free Body Shop gift (6 weeks of giving dealy I got involved in...freaking amazing Ive gotten so much free) which this week happened to be an 18$ body scrub (for free!!! awesome win!!). Then because I was only 5$ away from becoming a VIP Beauty Insider for Sephora (don't even get me started on how much I had to spend to get here considering I rarely wear more than mascara and my eye lash curler came from a drugstore) so I had to go buy a new eyeshadow. Then I came home had dinner and went grocery shopping with my mom because she didn't want to do all the heavy lifting because we bought an obscene amount of pickles (we like our cucumbers soaked in salt and vinegar in this household), came home and went back to reading and eating more trash.

Literally. That was my day. I didn't clean, I didn't do laundry, I didn't get any gifts for my xmas list or make any more of my gifts. I literally did squat nothing all day. And even all that was a struggle. This cannot happen tomorrow. Like seriously. I made a list of everything I have left to get and errands I need to do and it is NOT small. It includes buying a secret santa gift for my cousin who I have kindly nicknamed Numb Nuts. He's not my favorite to say the very least. I think its kind of an idiot to be honest but he's family. He's the only person I didn't want to get for the secret santa because before I got his name I couldn't think of anything to get him if I got him. So awesome I'm up crap creek without a bambo oar. CRAP.

But to end of my day of being lazy, I'm watching a replay of The X factor. Not sure how I feel about these duets. Its been awesome to see Alanis Morisette loosen up and look like she was really enjoying herself, same with Avril Lavigne actually smiling. The R Kelly duet I thought was amazing but kind of made me chuckle when he said "if I can see it then I can do it"....tehehehe lawsuit issues and all...tehehe... Shouldn't be laughing really or even mentioning it but can't help it!!!!

If I had to make a bet on who will win The X Factor I would say either Josh or Melanie. Josh is the true american dream. A guy just trying to play music and live and slings burritos? Come on he's amazing. Melanie may not come from much either but to my understanding she doesn't have a kid and I believe she's going to University? Chris Rene? Well I like the dude he seems nice but I don't really like what he does. Just not my thing where Josh? He's just too good to be true. And that's why I want him to win.

See? A total day of procrastination. Tomorrow I have to make up for it. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I've been a bad blogger lately. I have been so busy getting wrapped up in Holiday Insanity that everytime I thought "Oh I should blog about by day!" I realized that I hadn't even turned my computer on that day and it wasn't in my vicinity before bed. Getting up going upstairs grabbing my computer and coming back to bed just to blog about how I spent my day running around a warehouse attempting to locate donated gifts to meet the deadline for the gift and hamper distribution just didn't seem an appealing option.

But that has been where I have been none the less. I spent the majority of last week volunteering for Santa's Anonymous, a charity that when families sign up we distribute gifts and food hampers to them to help them out through the holidays. In theory is sounds simple but the reality is a lot of planning and the need for a lot of volunteers. Unfortuately (not that these people aren't amazing....I mean no disrespect) the majority of people that volunteer are retired and well they have their own way of doing things, and so this year when they changed the whole system, and modernized it (ie computers) it made some of the older more seasoned volunteers a little upset. Made it a little stressful and a bit hard to manage but we got through it! We had a lot of new volunteers this year that were younger and didn't know the old system, so they didn't let it bother them, but for those that were so used to the "old way" the "new way" threw them.

So with the chaos of the volunteering, I somehow (not surprisingly) managed to leave all my own Christmas things to the wayside and so for the last couple days that I have no longer been volunteering, I've been rushing like a mad woman to get all my Christmas shopping and such out of the way. This year I've turned to "doing things with people" or "making gifts" rather than just going out and buying presents. Year after year I buy things for people and I swear it just sits and collects dust. I forefit. But making the presents takes time, and more specically it takes more time than I had anticipated so I am (not at all shockingly) behind. Damn.

Today I finally finished a sewing project for a friend of mines Mom. We were sitting around one night and trying to figure out what to do for everyone for Xmas, both of us short on cash and trying to be thrifty this year decided to try and make everything. We got onto this idea of sewing a bag, which in theory seemed simple, until I realized that neither of us had really sewn all that much in the past few years, nor had enough experience to really design anything or create patterns. Not that that stopped us. We figured it out, and I managed to get an exuberant amount of pin pricks while piecing everything together to FINALLY get it done today. Phew big sigh of relief. Especially when we wanted to have it done at the start of December. Oh well better late than never! I think it turned out pretty amazingly if I do say so myself. Wish I could have had time to press it properly (hint hint nudge nudge T).

During all of this I managed to get in all the shopping I needed to do for my parents Xmas party for their staff, pick up my new glasses and catch up with T and her daughter (who adored the barbie I bought her...suck on that Asscountant), and take my nephew to a Magic Show. Phew. Busy day! The staff party was fantastic and the magic show was good, and of course my new glasses didn't last 5 hours before I noticed they have a ding in them and they have to go back. WHY ME? Its a good thing the people at my optometrist's office like me so much because tomorrow they are going to be seeing me come in with dinged glasses less than 24 hours after taking them home. Awesome. At least this time I think I'm keeping the frames.

Anyway! So I'm trying to get on board with the Holidays. Tomorrow I'm going on in search of my last couple Xmas presents that I'm not making (I'm not wonder woman) and some stocking stuffers for my parents! I hope whoever you and regardless of what you believe, that you are having a much more productive December than I am!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holy Crap! That was disturbing!

I can take a lot. I try very hard to respect others views on life, so gay straight transvestite? I'm cool. Just be happy. Religious? Well I'm pretty sure I think its all hooey, but I think its pretty awesome that someone else can believe in it. I watch scary movies and have watched several cadaver videos and volunteered in the hospitals. I figured I had seen it all. That was until I saw Breaking Dawn Part 1.

My friend T and I decided we need a girls night out, so we decided we needed to do dinner (with drinks) and a movie. I had a gift card for Boston Pizza, she had a movie pass pack so we decided we would be cheap and use the gift cards to have a nice night out. After I had to write my last final exam. Which I did and I think it went fine. Anyways we went to dinner (it was fight night so it was packed...damn it) then we wandered over the to the movie theatre and endured two hours of gut clenching, cringe-worthy movie awkwardness.

Twas screwed up my friends. Screwed right the eff up. First and foremost I must say that wedding scene was really lovely. She starts to go up the aisle and she's about the hyperventilate until she sees him, and then its ok. And I think that's really beautiful. That's what a wedding is about. Its basically everything after that that I found kind of sickening.

You watch Bella essentially decay trying to house that baby and I feel as if its not so much her choice but the author of the book pushing her strong religious beliefs on everyone else and the everyone else in question here are young impressionable young girls who will do anything to be like the characters in the movies. Bit of a scary slippery slope in my mind. Want to believe something? Go right ahead. Want to cram it down other peoples throats? Go elsewhere.

Basically when she starts to fall apart she looks like a crack addict who recently got in a fight on the mean streets trying to score some more blow and lost. And then finally the birth. If that's not the best freaking birth control on the planet I don't know what is.

So ya I found the movie a little disturbing, and really not all that exciting. I felt like there was a lot that didn't need to be in there but I understand that there couldn't be just one movie. Cringe worthy and scary and well it kind of did the opposite of what the night out was supposed to do...celebrate being over finals. **shudders**

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oooooooo dear.

I know that I'm not the most coordinated person in the world. I know this. I trip lots, I drop stuff, I am directionally challenged and I cannot juggle carrying multiple things. I am not coordinated. Today I took this to a whole new level.

When preparing for finals exams the professor of one of my classes recommended that we bring a few extra items to the exam to keep us comfortable, including extra layers because the room was drafty and something to drink because the room gets very dry. Thinking that I don't usually bring something to drink I decided it might be a good idea. I always wear lots of layers to exams because I detest being cold so that was nothing new.

Today I show up to the exam water bottle in hand, extra pencils and student id all ready to go. I sit down, I write my test. I finish my first go of it. I decide to take a couple minutes to reset my brain and then go over again to pick out mistakes. But before I do the thought crosses my mind "it is rather dry in here yes a sip of water would be most refreshing"..

I unscrew the cap and put the bottle to my lips...and apparently I lose all function of my mouth because the next thing I know water is all over my test paper down my shirt and stuck in the wrappings of my scarf. Its freaking everywhere. I scramble to use my sleeve to wipe everything down, bending over slightly to do so only to have the water that was wedged in my scarf go shooting out, at which point I attempted to manuvre the water the other way so that it went down my shirt, all in a feeble attempt to keep it off my exam paper.

I finally manage to soak up the majority of the water only to see that the damage has clearly already been done and while my answers are safe and sound, the front page of the exam is soaked through as it ripples as it dries. It rippled so much that it become concave and proceeded to scrape against the table every time I moved the sheets.

Figuring all I needed to do was let if dry I worked away on other pages letting it all spread out so it would dry. In the process I started to notice that all the pages were getting physically stuck to the desk as if they had been glued down. Not being able to figure out just what the heck was going on I realized that the moist pages of the exam had started to fuse with the years of grime on all the exam table, all the sweat and stuck on eraser bits had formed a paste with not only the exam pages but also my sleeve. Basically not only did I manage to make my exam look like it had been sent to sea, it was partially stuck to my desk making it look like I had sent it to the recycle center.

So I figure that oh well what could I do? Do the best I could and carry on with everything, and I go to hand it in when I'm finished. The look on the profs face was priceless. In fact she had to look at it three times before she looked up at me in utter shock and amazment as if almost daring to ask "what happened"....which she did. To which I responded "Water bottle issues, but it was all your idea in the first place".

If this is a sign as to whats to come for my last final...I'm in BIG trouble.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Oh holy nightmares...

Bleh, blart, blleeeegggh. Those are how I'm feeling, that's just it. I have been so uninspired by life these last couple days trying to get through the end of the semester that blogging hasn't happened. I also don't have a clear idea as to what exactly to say and to express other than I am feeling mighty blah these days. I hate these few days between the end of school and the start of finals. You want to be happy you survived the semester but at the same time you're inwardly cringing because you know that you still have sooo much to do.

Meanwhile in the real world? Apparently Christmas is coming. All the radio stations are flipping over to Xmas music and given that its now December 1st everyone feels like it is perfectly ok to barf the holidays over everything. The lights are up and people are sending Christmas cards and all this other crazy stuff. Its a bit overwhelming given that we still have almost the entire month till Christmas. I mean I know I'm certainly not the best example of holiday cheer given that I'm not really a big fan of Christmas. It doesn't hold too many great memories for me and my family basically completely ignores the true meaning of Christmas every year so I know that me being all scrooge here isn't the most shocking thing, but still it's Dec 2nd, meaning that to get lights up and stuff like that, that you had already been planning to get stuff up. Just seems excessive to me. I mean I like gifts as much as the next person but the whole season is just getting a bit ridiculous in my opinion.

As I said, the holidays aren't really my thing, so I'm sure closer to I'll buck up. But until then I shall retreat to my studying bubble and continue studying anatomical structures and cellular physiology like a good little student.

Stay warm out there!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ahhh crazy hazy weekends

It's beginning to feel a lot like December in my world! I hesitate to say its starting to feel like Christmas, when I associate Christmas with good eatting, lazy afternoons and wearing new fuzzy jammies, when all I've been doing this weekend is running around going to parades, getting ready for an ice show and studying for upcoming finals, the things I usually associate with the end of the school semester and fall skating season.

Friday night I joined my mom and sister for a little late night shopping at Zellers and Walmart. I know the states have this crazy thing called Black Friday, but we don't really have it in Canada. I know every year more American corporations try to push it on us by having really big sales here, and I know a lot of Canadians cross the border to go join the chaos, but to me it seemed that we Victorian's didn't really jump on board. My mom and sister decided to go out after dinner and honestly I didn't find much that I wanted/needed, but I did break my rule of "nothing Christmas till no earlier than Dec 1" rule by buying a 2$ box of warhead candy canes. Which yes are sour and after one my mouth is a wreck, but for 2$ you can't lose and I'll hand them out at school and all my upcoming study sessions.

Shopping with my sister Boozy B (no she's not a drunk/lush/alcoholic, but we have had many a conversation over how best to make child friendly drinks...erm not so child friendly...) is always enjoyable. She has a pretty good sense of ha-ha and knows not to take things too seriously. She's pretty laid back so when we decided to ditch Zellers, she was all game for Walmart. Good times had by all but really no deals to be had that were any different than anything we would usually see Black friday or not....but something to do to keep me busy.

It's been good keeping busy though. Last night my friend T and I threw on lots of layers, packed up the car along with my niece (her daughter) and headed downtown to catch the Victoria Santa Clause Day parade and festival of lights. Now to any parents that have a less than 2 adults to 1 kid ratio you have my new found respect and adoration. T and I just had the one kid to look after and she was really good at sitting still (bribery will get you everywhere) yet I know I never would have wanted to go downtown to such a huge crowd all on my own! Especially with all those other crazy parents running around loose.

We got downtown with LOTS of time to spare because I wanted to make sure we got a great seat curb side so that we would have an unobstructed view of all floats and the big red suited fat man that comes along at the end. So we got there when there weren't a lot of people yet situated and we got a great seat right on the curb, we set out blanket up and our snacks and we waited it out. YET some woman and her kid who came late decided it would be really awesome to just stand about a foot out from the curb and block the view of everything coming our way. Awesome huh? What a great tool to teach your up late and stand at the FRONT so you become a dark cloud in everyone's line of vision. The interesting coincidence is that someone after we sat down, two groups of deaf people sat on either side of us! Now granted I know I only know a teeny tiny subject of ASL, but I do know enough about facial expression and non manual signs to know when someones annoyed, or is showing dislike, and well these people didn't seem to be terribly thrilled about the dark cloud either. SO doing something that I have always wished I could do and be more assertive about, I got up and asked dark cloud to move!!! Now granted she only moved back about half a step, but at least I got my point across, and eventually as the floats and and bands and stuff went by she had to move back to not get trampled so that made it better, but at least I did something!

Still super annoyed by the whole thing. Why get there late and budge in front of everyone??? I just don't comprehend how some people think stuff like that is a good idea!

Ugh anyways. Tonight I have tickets for my mom BB and I to all go to this thing called "night before late night shopping" at Hillside mall. All the stores will be open till 9:30 and you buy tickets to get into the mall past the normal Sunday hours. All the stores inside will have deals, and there will be door prizes and a fashion show and that kind of stuff going on so I think it will be a hoot. Also there is a draw for a trip for 4 to Disneyland and I could really use a vacation so we've decided that if anyone in our collective goes and wins the trip we all get to go, plus my sister Klepto K (she is a spend a holic and loves to buy useless shit for no reason...i love her but she does..).

anyways! That's my weekend in a nut shell, I'm trying to find the energy to get off my ass and go to the anatomy lab for an hour to study but I've got a serious case of the Lazy Sundays...sigh. Anyways!

Happy Weekend All!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

the road to recovery is one of many teeny bopper songs

It's been a crappy couple of months, and I've gone through some stuff, and I'm putting myself together finally. But it took time for me to realize that I really was in the hole and that it was time to grow up and get on with it. But now that I am "getting the hell on with it" I'm realizing that holy mother of all that is holy that I have a TON of work to do. And of course when I have a lot of work to do what do I do? I crank on my old CD's and dance around my room.

The last couple days have been a total blur of me cleaning, dancing and getting papers/assignments and homework done. Tonight for the first time in a couple days I took time off of my crazy school load to go to the rink and de-stress by skating like a crazy person and bossing around some kids, telling them to move their asses. It's pretty bad when me and my 25-yr-old broken back-ed ass can out skate these teenagers and, its even worse when I had start getting on their case to move their buts because if I have to hear the Paso Doble music more than once in a session ever again I'm going to lose my mind! I hear it at least 7 TIMES A SESSION...and these little shits sit at the boards and ignore the music and continue chatting!!!!! ITS GETTING RETARDED. Test day is in a week and these kids are slacking and I'm more fustrated now than I have ever been with skaters before. So much so that I have started butting in on their slacking gab sessions to tell them to move their asses....sigh

Anyways! So that's what I've been up to. Nothing terribly exciting. School has been kicking my ass and so has my own procrastination, but that's definitely nothing new. The weather here has been absolutely miserable, with all kinds power outages and stuff like that, I can't even imagine what our rainfall total has been with it basically having been raining non stop for the last week. Then again we can't complain, its been snowing all over the rest of Canada and well at least I don't have to shovel rain!

I just really REALLY hope it lets up before Saturday! Saturday night is the Victoria Santa Clause parade and I get to take my niece!! We have skating lessons in the morning and then the parade at night! I can't wait! But it won't be as much fun if it's pissing rain and we're bundled up in blankets and garbage bags...sigh. Oh well there will be hot chocolate!

Hope your week is going well!

Here's what I'm listening to right now
...I love that they sound like a modern mash of the Cure. Sigh...
Also for all of you that have no idea what the Paso Doble (ice dance version) is...I've added it to quench your curiosity. (and no this isn't me skating). Hear how irritating that music is? I hear it AT LEAST 7 TIMES A SESSION AND ITS ONLY A 50 MINUTE SESSION!
I'm currently working on the Tango Romantica but its pretty freaking hard when I get shafted because the slacker kids have tests so they get their music on repeat but fail to actually ever skate to it. JERKS

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things I've googled when I should have been studying

We've all been here. Sitting at your computer in dire need to sit and do some work and actually be productive, but its the absolute last thing you want to do. So you sit, with your computer poised and then start toodling around online because of course you just HAVE to know something, or find something....and well you get my drift.

So here is the list of the things I've googled instead of studying....this is only the last few from my last major paper due...I'm sure if it were a more comprehensive list of all the sites I've ever used to procrastinate I'm sure it would be way more shameful than it already is my shame...for all to see .. I wrote most of this down when actually writing my lab hence the crazy rambling....

And yes I realize that this post starts of with all the crap I google to procrastinate but then turns into me telling what music you should be listening just further proves that I have a procrastination AND focus problem...shouldn't shock you at all :P

1. The Magic School Bus
I wrote a blog a while back about making all the wrong decisions (clearly I took my own advice to an extreme because I should be writing this freaking lab but here I am googling all the wrong crap AND then BLOGGING about it....ugh...anyway I digress) and it occurred to me (whilst I should have been focusing on exercise science) that I didn’t really know the story behind magic school bus that THAT was a CRIMINAL ACT. How DARE I quote something I clearly know so little about. SO I took to google and came up to a Wikipedia entry that cleared the whole mystery up for me. Turns out there are a lot I haven’t read.....ok back to work (oh btw here's the link if you're interested in more info...

2. Why do some people show up on my facebook chat but they aren't online?
You know this crazy new facebook chat thing? Well I always have people that I never talk to come up on the list that are never online and I couldn't figure it out. Of course I was procrastinating on crack-book when I should have been studying...or at least writing that damn paper...and here is what I came up with...
Answer: apparently although it still isn’t clear, its a lot do with who you interact with publicly. A lot of people think that it’s who has been viewing you’re page the most (which would have been awesome because the Asscountant has been showing up on mine like crazy) but it has more to do with who you interact with publically. Which for mine I guess makes sense. The majority of people on my list are people I have messaged and stuff lately, but still doesn’t account for why the Asscountant is on that list. I haven’t “interacted publicly” (or otherwise for the record) in months? But none the less..thats Facebooks official stand point. Still think its a bit rigged but I think all of Facebook is rigged.God damn crack-book

3. Concerts in Vancouver that Fido might enjoy (my friend not my dog)
Fido's going through a bad break up (yup he finally found a girl who he was head over heels about, wanted to commit to, AND of course SHE can't commit....go figure). Talked to him on the phone today and I don't think I've ever heard him so defeated. He`s broken up with girls before, he`s been dumped before, but usually he`s pretty lax about it. He`s never really cared before I guess, cared but not really cared...does that make sense?) ANYWAYS! The last time I can remember him happy (other than when he first started dating his lady friend), was when we saw Finger 11 at the commodore SO thinking I could get him feeling better by getting concert tix I went to the net...only to realize that I had turned it off on my computer to force myself to do this damn lab report. So that will have to wait. 

4. How to turn the E with the french accent off?
While typing the blurb about the concert tix I mashed the keyboard in my haste and somehow magically changed my keyboard settings and switched it to french and for the life of me couldn’t remember how to fix it. Had to turn my Wi-fi back on to do so. Then had to restart my computer. Good lord. Go freaking figure...For the record if you are in the same boat as me, just go in and change your languages then restart your computer...should fix it up real quick. Turn it on to US and it will fix all the annoying french canadian settings, unless that's what you want...then I say have at er :)

5. In general - actors/actresses on IMDB
I have certain TV shows I like to watch and I always start to wonder where the actors were before they landed some of their roles, also I like the trivia and the whole “7 degrees of Kevin Bacon” kinds stuff....My most recent “MUST IMDB” moment was Beth Bhers from 2 Broke girls, I love that she’s such a ditz and I wanted to find out just where the heck she came from..turns out nowhere really. I already kind of knew about Kat Dennings, her role in Charlie Bartlet was brilliant SO when I saw she was in this new show I was eager to find out more about the cast, and enter Beth Behrs into my life...and now yours check her out! Of course after IMDB I immediately had to watch various youtube clips on 2 broke girls, which led to me watching various clips of various artists singing my favorite songs (of course normal progression of procrastination) hence the following...after the clip that is

6. Amazing Artists on Youtube that even though they came from cheesy TV shows, deserve your TLC
I get a lot of music off of the many TV shows I watch. God how I managed to find time to get an undergrad when it's obvious I'm a TV-aholic I will never know. I hear it in a TV show and if I love it I have to have the MP3, and then I go on Youtube when I should clearly be studying and try and find amazing live versions or acoustic versions of them. And they don't just have to be from TV shows, if I find an amazing band, that's all I need as an excuse to youtube the crap out of them! Example A the Ron Pope - Drop in the Ocean. AMAZING right? If you haven't watched it, scroll down and please do so...or make it up to me by watching some of these (you so won't be sorry!!)

Shawn McDonald- Captivated (Originally from Drop Dead Diva)
Ryan Star- Losing Your Memory (Vampire Diaries...don't judge me for my love of man candy)
Sara Bareilles - Gravity
I've always been a huge fan of her music and I actually own ALL of her albums (as in I went to the store and actually purchased them or ordered them from Amazon) but she has had a bunch of her music featured in Vampire Dairies and a couple movies so at least its not SOO shameful...but what it misses in my secret shame it makes up for in pure awesomeness
Tegan and Sara - Where does the good go. 
I've been a fan of these guys for awhile, but for a long time radio here only played the song "walking with a ghost" which I hated. I mean its an ok song, but it got so over played that I always switched it off and of course if you don't like the first taste of a band, you don't go seek out more right? Well enter watching Grey's anatomy. I think their entire album "So Jealous" was at some point or another featured in one episode or another, and of course I fell in love with it all so I youtubed them and found out, that Walking with a ghost doesn't fit the rest of the album. These two are super cute and seem to have actual personality, in that they actually really enjoy being social with others, where some rock stars don't even acknowledge others presence (ie the Chili Peppers..

AWOLNATION - Sail - If you don't know who this band is you need to buy (yes BUY) their album immediately, if not sooner. They are fantastic. I can't believe they have come to my town twice and I've never seen them live. Their music, is amazing, I cannot figure out a better way to describe them. If you listen to them and you then turn out to love them like I know you will...remember where you got it from (that'd be me) (and of course I got AWOLNATION from a guy I used to work with and without him life wouldn't be the same so thank you Cpl...and if you ever come across this...I am fully admitting, but not to your face the following "I was WRONG....YOU were RIGHT"...there happy?)
Barcelona - Come Back When You Can (Vampire Dairies). This song is so soulfull I love it. Regardless of where it came from I think its amazing. Throw in a stage orchestra and I'm pretty much sold regardless. And who hasn't been in this exact position? In an argument with someone you love, they bolt on you and you want nothing more for them to come back because no matter how bad things where, how much you pissed each other just want them to come back to you because together you think you can figure it all out together. That regardless of the words said and the things done, that together you really can take on the world.... Now why this really isn't the reality, it sure is a nice notion isn't?

Serena Ryder - Little Bit of Red. Hated this song when I first heard it on the radio. With a ridiculous passion, it was just so horrible and over done. But then I heard it somewhere acoustically...and fell in love with it. I love the song even though I should hate it...but alas here I am. Maybe when its acoustic you can feel her pain, and I connect with that more than the pop-ed out crap version?
The Naked and Famous - Punching in a Dream. SO this is kind of a long one, but I found out about this band from watching the Secret Circle premiere after watching the season opener of Vampire Daireis. I loved the song "Young Blood" and after finally being able to get the name of the band that sung the damn song, I went out and BOUGHT the cd (shocking huh? I apparently actually buy music) and this has to be the best damn song I've ever randomly stumbled upon without knowing anything about the band at all. Other bands I usually know something about, or have a notion as to what their musical genre is but not this one. Total random purchase, and it really paid of!

Depeche Mode - Waiting for the night. This isn't really a find, but I do think it's worth mentioning as it is acoustic/live music at its absolute best. One night while procrastinating I found this. The live version of this song, from the actual concert I went to. I was there. I got to witness this life, and I was gobsmacked. Keep in mind, this is 100% them, live, on a crappy audience filmed camera, and the guy was getting over cancer. Suck it all you tweeny bopper "auto-tuned" bullshit artists. This is how you get shit done....This is how you last forever, because let's face it? What now famous band doesn't know and respect Depeche Mode? The ones that won't last past two albums of course...

7. Bands that do covers of other bands
I'm an addict for things like this. I love hearing bands that I love cover other bands I love. I also love it when a band I don't 100% care for makes me a fan because they themselves have good taste in music. It is my personal belief that EVERY band should have a cover song in their back pocket. Just one to whip out to keep fan on their toes. Being able to share something like that with a crowd? I think it connects with your audience more and its proof that you too listen to the greats and that you aren't stupid enough to think that you are the only band on the entire planet whose music is good enough to be heard. It humbles a band. But they are really hard to come by. I guess even though as a fan I love it when bands do this, I guess the bands don't really like to do it? I dunno it seems like they don't always do them and even when they do you can't find the physical proof to prove it. SO of course its a great way for me to procrastinate! So here are a few of my absolute favorite cover songs by bands. (and yes the Radio 1 Lounge in the UK does have artists come in and do covers all the time, and I LOVE it...but still they aren't easy to get the tracks from...)

Adam Gontier (Three Days Grace) - Wicked Games
This makes me melt every time. I've actually had the privillage to see him sing this live a couple times, and its just breath taking. Chris Issac can suck it, Adam does it better. Then again, it could be the fact that hearing this live, being surrounded by his voice and hearing intensity live...and thinking the dudes man candy...don't help... but it does make your panties want to drop.....or mine at least
AFI - Just like Heaven. I am a huge fan of The Cure, and I think its really interesting to know that most big bands out there today and a lot of popular TV shows, still credit the Cure for a lot of things. AFI did this really awesome cover that didn't make me want to gauge my eyes out when I saw them at warped tour many many years ago, and I think that they pull it all well! (yes the lead singer of AFI creeps the hell out of me and I think they are a bit of a poser kind of band, but the guy sings it well without butchering it...can't really ask for more than that sometimes...its cute so just enjoy for Pete sakes).
Umbrella - Mandy Moore. I cannot bloody stand Rhianna. I DETEST her, and her horibble over produced dime a dozen voice. In my opinion she is 100% whats wrong with pop music today. As far as I'm concerned she is only making money because people feel peer pressure from their friends to listen to her because the media crams her down our throats whether we like her or not. I refuse to be a lemming. HOWEVER, Mandy Moore singing this? Actually makes me think that song holds meaning. She brings a whole other side of it to the table. I hate Rhianna, but this song with the vocal stylings of Mandy Moore? Not too shabby Miss Moore...not too shabby.
Green Day - We are the Champions. To me it seems like everyone has their own opinions on Green Day. You either like them, and have been a fan from the beginning and stuck out their shit albums between their brilliant albums pattern, or you just aren't a fan. Regardless I don't think anyone could ever deny that they put on one hell of a show. I've been lucky enough to see them live a few times and I always have a total blast. They are one of those bands that I feel just loves their fans, and they have a social consciousness about the BS going on in the world, and are brave enough to tell people to "sod the hell off". Hearing them sing this? Well there is no band that I can think of that has triumphed more over the music world than they have...Also. Any band that says "If someone goes down you pick them up. This isn't war this is rock and roll!" to me is AOK in my books.
Josh Groan - My December. Linkin Park? Aren't bad, but I think a bit too stereo typical of what they think isolated teenages who need to break things are. Josh Groban singing their stuff? Pure Brilliance.
The Killers - Shadow Play. Anyone that wants to cover classics like this to make them cool again (so we get to hear quality instead of mass produced crap on the radio) is good in my books. And their the killers! Come on! They rock! Joy Division? They also rock! How could this be bad?
Shiloh - Man in the Mirror
After MJ died a whole host of his covers came out. Everyone jumped on the band wagon as if they had always been big fans of him, which to be honest most were. Any artist that says they were never in some way influenced by MJ are full of crap. Choreogrpahed dance moves, tight pants, pop beats all that, MJ did it first folks, and even if you are a hard core rock monger, rock and roll artists are too in debted to this amazing man. NOW granted I don't know where I stand on his lifestyle. I don't know what he did or didn't do, but musically he was a genius. So finding this talented Canadian Shiloh (who I'm sure you've never heard of...) sing one of his songs? Fabulous.
Foo Fighters - Bad Reputation (with the amazing Joan Jett)
I just found this a few days ago but its still awesome. Having The Foo Fighters as your back up? Not too Shabby at all. Even if its not a true cover, it still gets a mention
Anberlin - Enjoy the Silence. Ok so I'm a pretty big Depeche Mode Fan. And sadly and so typically "Enjoy the Silence" is one of my favorites of theirs.. I'm also one to believe that unless you can do a song justice, cover or not, you shouldn't touch the greats. Depeche Mode has been around long enough to have the respect of those following them. In other words. Don't cover what you can't do justice. I've heard MANY a Depeche Mode cover thats made me want to slit my own wrists then take a bath with a toaster. This one? Not half bad. Its a nice little harder edge cover and its done fairly well...even if I did find it from a vampire dairies episode. No judgement please.
Darren Hayes - In Your Eyes. Anyone whose ever seen "say anything" watching the scene in the car...swooooon. The song itself is so iconic and to cover it, well its a pretty gusty move when you're livilyhood is females that listen to your music who inevitably have seen all the chickflicks and knows the originals of all these songs (stuff like thompson twins if you were here, or omd if you leave etc...think John Hughes movies), well to cover them is ballsy in my opinion. Well Darren Hayes, you made me a believe that it can be done because your version of this song makes me feel like its totally different than the original and that they stand apart. And of course the panty drop factor is still there...even though I'm sure you're gay. Of course no judgment, but I still melt from your voice....
My only regret is that for the life of me I can't find him singing this...its just the song...but still give it a shot!
My Darkest Days - Come undone
Last one of the night. Not because I'm running out of material but alas out of steam. Keep in mind that all of these videos are ones that I just keep pulling from a big pile of crap saved in my favorites. This band is one of those bands you actually make an effort to see when they are the opening band. They are a wee bit all over the place as is their CD, but this song? AWESOME. Who doesn't live a good Duran Duran cover? Weenies...that's who.

Ok well as you can see I am the master of procrastination as now I'm even procrastinating going to sleep! 

Hopefully you found out some good info or got a couple of song suggestions...I tried not to post anything too main stream or typical (but probably failed miserably!)

If anyone out there has a song they think I should know about I'm always dying to hear them! I love finding weirdo random amazing stuff and I find that unless someone shoves something in your face or its mainstream you never find it! 

And if you really enjoyed this massive purge of musical awesomeness in your face....fear not I've already formulated a plan in my head to do a part two "covers, musicals and live events you should have seen yourself" I may decide to dip into my own personal collection of live video footage! I've got WHACKS.

Night folks!

Shouldn't be blogging but here we are..

Ok so I'm frantically trying to pound through a lab report and of course I'm fighting my procrastination a bit......but I'm determined to share this.

Now I do have a fantastic blog post coming that is far more interesting (about my procrastination of course) I don't have time to finish it right now, and I'm dying to pass this amazing youtube video along.

Enjoy and I'll see you when I surface from my self imposed lab write-up hell!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

So in this post I'm going to sound like I'm gloating, but stick with it because I'm not.

Growing up, I never wanted for anything. Every day I got up in the morning, put on clean clothes, put on good shoes, got driven to school by my mom, had a home made lunch, got picked up from school by my mom and then taken to skating lessons multiple times a week by my mom. Home cooked meals every night and a family dinner around the dinner table. Skating lessons, skating trips across the country, family vacations to Disneyland, Hawaii and across the country. Getting closer to my point, every year at Christmas there were always presents under the tree. I usually got everything I wanted on my list whether I needed it or not. There was always a big Christmas breakfast, and a huge Christmas dinner with the whole family. There was never any indication to me that there was any other way one might have a Christmas.

As I got older and started to become a little more aware of the world around me, I started to realize that I was really really naive, and extremely fortunate. I have always volunteered (for just about everything one could ever ask one to do). Teaching skating, volunteering at the hospital, events where extra crew were needed, if you ask I will most likely do, and for many years now I have been getting more and more involved with Santa's Anonymous.

For those of you who might not know, Santa's Anonymous (Santa's as we usually refer to it as) is a non-profit organization that gets together to provide family's that find themselves in need around the Holiday season with a Christmas hamper and presents for the kids. Families put in a request to Santa's, and the (amazing) volunteers get together and put the items that the children want for gifts on the back of paper bears. These bears go to the mall and people at the mall can pick a bear, go and get the gift, donate it to Santa's where the (extraordinary) volunteers then match the present with the family, wrap it, label it and get it to the family along with a food hamper.

This is a huge undertaking. These volunteers? They are just that, they are volunteers, they do not get paid and they do everything they do because they want to help. Most of them have other jobs that they do from 9-5, then they volunteer in the malls helping with the bears, or at the "workshop" wrapping presents and building hampers (ya not easy might I add). I have so much respect for these people that take this on because I think how selfless they are is truly amazing.

This is the time of year where things start to get busy and hectic. Time is tight, money is tight, everything comes down to the wire, and I get that. This is the time of year where everyone is busy, everyone has one event or another to run off to.

This year, I know for a great many people has not been an easy one. The economy is in the tank, and jobs are hard to come by. And that is why this year more than ever I am eager to give back just as much as I can.

I had dinner with my parents and their friends tonight (I'm a mooch and a geek and I love it..) and we got talking about all the scandals you keep hearing about people ripping off charities, thinking they can take advantage and make a quick buck, or how charities in general operate but not to the advantage of the local community. We also got talking about how now that the economy has been so rough that people are giving less, and fewer people are volunteering. After all this talk my stomach started to hurt.

There is so much bad in the world, and so many terrible things going on, yet so few people are willing to help out. So I put it to all of you (the very few who stumble upon my blog...) who have jobs, and food for proper meals, and time to spend with family and friends. Those that, like me have always been fortunate enough to have all they have ever needed, find the time to really give back this Holiday season. Donate some cans of food. Instead of your triple expresso caramel latte with extra sprinkles, skip the coffee and dump the change in the food bank donation bin (or if you really must, get the regular drip, its half the price). Take the time to enjoy the fact that you as a human being can show compassion to another human being.

If moneys tight (I know mine is) donate your time. And don't feed me that crap about "I have kids and we have no spare time"....because that's CRAP. Take them with you. Teach them the importance of what it is to be human, because lets face it. The more and more things turn to crap, the more we all need to lean on each other, and the more we learn that we can be there for each other and not want anything in return, is really what makes this the most wonderful time of the year.

Being able to appreciate what you have, and those you have around you, while helping out fellow man is the most amazing gift you can give to yourself. Its what I give myself every year, and what my parents have given to me my whole life. Giving really is the best gift, and I challenge any of you to prove me other wise :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A day in the reading break life

I'm currently on a mini reading break. And I know that technically you're supposed to get caught up on readings and school work, I just don't know how the hell those that actually read on reading break manage to do it! I have yet to do anything school related other than slack off. I know I should be the super student, but doing things like going out shopping and sorting out things for my skating clubs ice show have been so much more appealing. Oh and also going to the nail salon and getting a mani pedi, and shopping like crazy buying new make-up and skin care products just makes me feel so much better than studying school stuff that usually just makes me more depressed. My ASL class is not going super well....the prof is a bit of a hard ass in my humble opinion.

So ASL isn't going well and I'm not super motivated to deal with anything else school wise, and it doesn't help that my Granddad's funeral is tomorrow and I'm not 100% that my sperm donor won't show up. No one has told me. Ironically enough that was always my Granddad's job, to tell me when Bobo was coming to town. So I'm sitting a bit like a fish out of water, but with very nice pretty toes and nails, with smoother skin after having a nice warming mineral mask. See even my ranting is just as unmotivated as my work ethic right now. I'm so out of it that I can't be bothered to fold my laundry so I keep putting the dryer on again to make sure they don't wrinkle. Good lord I was supposed to be all "November Gung-Ho".......ooooo I fail.

Time to get to work. See you when I'm caught up (or when I feel like slacking some more)....(probably the later)....eff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All the wrong reasons

Last night I went to dinner, a movie, and then coffee with my friend whom for the purposes of this blog I shall call Clutch (I did not personally give her this nickname it comes from our previous place of work where she clutches all the answers...She's the best!). Clutch and I don't get to hang out all that often. When I met her we were working for the Provincial Government as casuals and we caught on like a house of fire. We ended up working side by side with each other on a computer-ish project and we've been great friends ever since, which also means we know how to have proper conversations...that last forever might I add. In a good way of course. We never lack for something to talk about! Hence why we had dinner, then a movie, THEN went for coffee because we were chatting so much.

So as we were having dinner and catching up we started to talk about the usual. Work (for both of us non-exsistent), family (her's is doing well, unfortunately had to tell her mine not so great), and life etc (she's been going through hell moving lately). We then got on to talking about future plans, and much like myself Clutch is feeling a wee bit confused about what to do next in life. How she feels (much like myself) that she needs a change, a big one, but that she's unsure of how to go about it or if it's the right decision, and to comfort her I passed along my newest and most exciting theory.

Making the right decisions gets you no further in life than making all the wrong decisions, so enough is enough, make all the wrong ones.

My reasoning? Let me tell you (much like I preached to Clutch last night). You know those people that fly by the seat of their pants? They go out drinking every weekend, show up to work hung over, spend all their pay cheques on things without thinking of the consequences, travel without plans, and literally do everything they shouldn't? Well they have more fun don't they? But the good people (such as myself and Clutch) who always do their homework, get a good nights sleep before work, never go out on weekends because we're too busy with extra curricular activities and volunteering, well guess what we're unemployed too. Just like the "wrong decision" people, we are absolutely no further ahead, except those people have more fun, meet more people, get more actual life experience.

So I think we should all start making more wrong decisions, because while they may not be the best choice, wisest idea or smartest notion, they probably won't set you back any further than making the best choice, wisest idea or smartest notion. We're all in the same boat right now, jobs are scarce, and money is tight. So why not have more fun while we can? Why not do the stupid stuff? Get more experience, go the things that we usually shy away from!

NOW this does not mean I am advocating doing something stupid. Don't be going out doing drugs, quitting work or drinking and driving or something as equally foolish. I'm saying that perhaps take another ponder at the things you usually say no to. Go for a drink after work with the gang. Stay out late on a work/school night. Buy the shirt that you would usually never buy because maybe its a bit pricey or its something you never imagined yourself wearing. Flirt with the cute barista, eat crazy food. Take chances, make mistakes, GET MESSY.

(bonus points if you know where that last quote is from. Turns out that she had it right all a long)