Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lets make a deal, K?

As anyone who stumbles around my blog knows, I'm pretty involved with my local skating community. I'm that person that goes to skating competitions and does a lot of the "behind the scenes" work so that the skaters come skate and leave with a medal. About a month before any skating competition, skaters submit their entry forms, and me and my team gets together, does all the paperwork and computer stuff and then we show up at the rink on day one of the skating competition and we don't leave till all the skaters have skated. Judges have sort of the same gig, they prepare by studying rules and regulations, come to the rink and judge and don't leave till all the skaters have skated.

We do all the grunt work, and the hosting club gets all the money from the skaters entry fees. So lets make a deal shall we? We will continue to do our hours upon hours of grunt work, organize the judges, get together a schedule for the competition, and show up and be there all weekend in the rink freezing our butts of for no money, YOU will feed us decent well rounded meals, and never dare tell us we "should be lucky you're getting fed at all".

That was the case this weekend. Hours of grunt work, hours at the skating competition, and we never once got a proper meal to eat. Everything was dismal. No meat option, no protein, sparse servings, and food was only left out for short periods of time, in which case it was usually cold and usually "past its peak".

"You should be lucky you're getting fed at all"

My response?

"You should feel lucky we showed up"....

Next time? Not going to happen...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Filler Post

Ugh I've been so busy for the past week, and I've sat down a couple times to post, but every time I do, the posts get long and winded because so much is going on. I've been to Vancouver for a weekend long bitch session with Fido (him bitching not me...however it was all very informative), I've taken school tests, and I've worked tirelessly on skating competition stuff for the upcoming weekend, and yes I've been trying to pound through school stuff. Add in the fact that it snowed here, oh and in the middle of all this I got sick and you have a recipe for chaos.

So ya its been a bit nutters on my end of the computer screen, which is one of the reasons I started this blog, to show people how crazy my life can get, and to tell you all about the weird situations I somehow end up in, and of course complain about my life to an outlet that others can read and either sympathize, or say "ya ya I've got real problems barbie" to. Either way. I mean I may have been busy last week, but I also don't have a job so....ya I guess could have been a lot busier. Anyways.

So ya this past week has been so crazy that I've been struggling to sit down and post a blog. I would love to get into details about how I converted Fido from "Mr Hockey and Don't You Forget It" to "Mr Figure Skating Starts in 20 minutes so get up!!!"...or about how one should never go bra-less when sledding (damn nephews wouldn't wait for me the change....), I just can't seem to write the posts.

A really good measure of how busy I've been might be the fact that I didn't watch the newest episode of Vampire Diaries until today. Ya I waited  5 days to watch it. Will power? Not really, more like I had it on my computer and could have watched it but watching skating with Fido was more entertaining, sleeping took precedent, or sleeping for 13 hours at a time was more important (holy sh*t balls tylenol sinus nighttime kicked my ass).

But I did finally watch it, and my end opinion, is that last weeks episode of Vampire Diaries was much like this very post. A filler. We get caught up on whats going on, we check in on each character, stuff happens but it really means nothing till the next episode (or post) when everything is actually explained. And for that I'm really glad I didn't rush to watch it.  Living my life was waaay more important.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Whole lot of talkin goin on.

Fido was in town yesterday, and oddly enough he actually made time to see me, which is actually a pretty rare oddity, given that he usually only comes into town for 5 hours to have dinner with his mom (he's a total momma's boy which I think is one of his very few redeeming qualities) then bolt.

SO we went public skating. Also odd because we continue to have the epic battle of the blades between us. I'm a figure skater and he is a hockey player. In fact, we used to run into each other at the rink all the time, and he would make fun of me for being a figure skater and I would tease him for needing a stick to stay standing. But that was a long time ago, and while we really haven't matured all that much, and still argue about which sport is better, I guess at some point we decided to give up the ghost and say that each sport has its merrits. As a side note we actually spent the majority of our time together talking about how to best teach skating, what the differences between skates are, and then most oddly, we talked about big name competitors in skating, what Virtue and Moir are up to this year, what Patrick Chan is up to, and ya it was rather enjoyable because I have this odd feeling Fido keeps up on it just to impress me, or shock me. Either or really. Wins every time, as I never cease to be amazed.

I digress.

So we went skating. And Fido tried to convince me to show him some 'tricks'. To which I said "No not on a public skating session". Truth? I was too scared to do anything because if I fell or made an ass of myself I probably never would have lived it down. He would never have let it go. The epic battle between hockey player and figure skater would have been over and sealed, and I would be responsible for the shame that would befall my own. Soooooo wasn't happening on my watch. See the problem is that I usually only Ice Dance. I don't do a whole lot of jumps or spins in that. In fact I don't do anything. Edge work and foot step sequences yes. But not jumps or spins, and clearly that is what Fido wanted to see. Haven't done any of that in probably 3 years, and I certainly wasn't about to bust them moves for the first time in 3 years infront of a hockey player. Not. Bloody. Likely.

Fido sort of called me on this. Sort of. I don't really think he knows be basically called me on it but he did. Made me realize that damn it, I haven't freeskated in awhile, and while I do heart the ice dance (my lover), that perhaps, its time to go back to being a bit more well rounded, so that my ass doesn't become so well rounded. I was so subtly reminded that, to be on that ice is what I love, I can prefer a facet of skating, but what I love is to be standing on my 1/4inch blades moving around in unique and interesting ways.

He somehow reminded me that there was this whole other side to the sport that I used to do that I no longer partake in, which is wrong. And so today, for the first time in probably 3 years, I went to a skating session and didn't really do any ice dance at all (I did a couple bits and pieces while skating) but other than that I worked on spins and a few jumps and some fiddling around to get from end to end. But ya, just skated. For me. Remembered what I loved about the sport. The freedom. Please note that it was no easy feat to get to the rink either. I'm too cheap to pay for parking at my university so I took the bus, but wasn't paying attention and missed my stop so I had to walk an extra 15 minutes in the cold. Frack.

Damn it I hate that a hockey player had to put me in my place. I will never ever admit it to his face.

Tonight I'm feeling a bit rough. My back hurts, my abs hurt, my feet have skate related blisters for the first time in probably 10 years, and my ass hurts (even though I didn't fall on it...HA). And I feel that seeing as it is Fido's fault I got back out there, that he should be the one here listening to me bitch, or at least offering a foot massage....

Damn hockey players..

Sunday, January 15, 2012

We don't pick our families...but damn it we can pick our lives

I have a nephew who through his whole life has had a learning disability, and has always been a little socially awkward. Always. His family situation hasn't always been stable. Krazy, and his dad (who we refer to in my house as The Knob), were never a great fit, and well their relationship was never one made of strong walls. Needless to say they aren't together anymore but they still co-parent my nephew. Well...The Knob is still involved in his life anyways.

Regardless, my nephew has been busting his ass for the last year of school to get his grades up to get into Royal Military College. Now as horrible as this is going to sound, I've never been a huge supporter of this idea, because honestly I think that my nephew is a bit too socially awkward to be an officer, AS HE STANDS RIGHT NOW. He's young, and he doesn't know who he is yet, and going to RMC I feel would have never given him the chance to find out. Its NOT because I don't think hes smart enough, I don't feel he's mature enough to handle the responsibility that comes along with being an officer RIGHT NOW. However. Its the plan he was going with so I told him to go for it, figuring eventually he'd get his stuff together to be an authority figure if he really had to (trial by fire so to speak). Anyways. Not the point. He wanted it I told him to go for it.

Well. Turns out he didn't get in this year. And that's fine. Honestly. He's smart, gets good grades, for sure will get into University, so what does it matter if he puts off RMC for a year?

Well, apparently since he told his dad, The Knob told him that his life was over. That he would never be smart enough to go to school, and that he shouldn't even bother to graduate because he didn't need to graduate to get into trades school. That all he should ever aspire to is trades school. Well. What a great father you are!

NOW, this is not me poo-pooing the trades schools. I heart the trades schools, I think that if thats what you aspire to, that you should have atter. I wish I was more capable to do things like build things, or design things, or hell even figure out to program my damn VCR. It's not my cup of tea, and for that you should be glad because I would probably blow something up or set something on fire trying to fix something. If that's what you aspire to, I really think you rock (and thank you gratefully for saving my ass). BUT that is not what my nephew aspires to. At all. He has no desire. He wants to get a history degree (not sure what for but I have a useless degree that's taught me all about life so I say do whatever makes you happy and find a use for it later).

Where The Knob got off telling his kid that he wasn't good enough is beyond me. NOW this particular nephew and I don't get on all that well, because we see the world very differently and he has a very cynical view of the world (hence why he believes his dad is right about post secondary etc....) BUT I would never tell him he isn't good enough for something. So what he didn't get into RMC? I mean who hasn't had set backs? But! A parents job should never be to tell their kid they can't do something. And the worst thing is the world is that my sister has been telling him for all these months that he can go everything, and we finally get him believing it, and now his jackass of a father tells him in one weekend he can't and now he's decided that everything is a waste of time. And its heart breaking.

It should to always say YES YOU CAN. So you had a set back? WHO CARES. It just means you now have to take a different path to get what you want in life, and guess what that means? You get to try something new, and take a different approach. Who cares? If there is anything I have learned from being in school for the better part of a decade (and the majority of my life) its that you don't always get things the way you want them, but that having to take the long route brings even better rewards.

SO to any of those parents out there that have a child getting into post secondary. Want more for your children than for yourselves. Never tell them they can't do anything, and always encourage them to follow their dreams. AND NEVER BE A DICK LIKE THE KNOB AND TELL YOUR KID THEIR STUPID. You kids are listening to you, and you will burn in hell for being a jerk. And remember, they pick your resting home, and all I can say is that there is a nice spot in the same home that poor nice lady from Happy Gilmore, just waiting for you Knob.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My sad little addiction

I'm sorry I can't help myself. Stupid Vampire Diaries.

Is anyone else not still gut wrenched over last nights episode????

Come on how freaking heart-wrenchingly beautiful was Damon last night???? The whole moment at the end was just heart breathtakingly resplendent and sigh inducing.

I know how pathetic it is for me as a 20 something female that is so in love with this show but I cannot seem to get this moment out of my head, in fact its been haunting me all day.

"No its right. Its just not right now"

Oh my god. How on the head was that? Its the story of the entire show. In 8 words total, the entire season can be summed up in that one moment, that one scene, that one perfect set of lines. That definitively crafted, and beautifully articulated two lines blended into one extraordinaire moment of lucid honesty.

"No its right. Its just not right now".

And my heart continues to twist. My 13 year old inner girly girl continues to squeal.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Naked Shirt.

You all know you have something like this hanging in your closet. I know you do. Its the article of clothing that for whatever reason, when you wear it, you can take on the world. Whether its your power blazer, your favourite red shoes, or your amazing little black dress, you put it on and suddenly you're transformed. You are out for the kill and you are out for a good time. And for me that article is my Naked Shirt.

My Naked Shirt is a beige (slightly more pinky than browny beige) tank top with the back made of lace. Its stretchy and a bit clingy but the kicker here is that it basically blends right into my skin, giving the illusion of nudity, and really you don't feel like you're wearing much either, so ya I call it my Naked Shirt.

Why and how did I come to buying such a shirt? A quiet non partier like me? WELL really the reason is kind of petty, I had to go to a party a few years back and I wasn't all that excited about the other guests that were going to be there. Highschool is an awkward time for everyone and people aren't always the nicest to each other so when I was faced with dealing with someone who hadn't always been the nicest to me, and apparently thought I hadn't been very nice to her and that was the problem, well...I decided that I was going to go to the party looking hot, and oozing confidence even if it killed me. So when out shopping I found a shirt that made me feel just that. And thus, I came into the posession of the Naked Shirt.

Needless to say that night was a total sucess. With the help of my sister BB and the Naked Shirt, I looked and felt amazing, and was able to insure the party hostess (who also happened to be the birthday girl) had an awesome time, and I made sure she had lots of male company all night (I just found out today that my friend Fido used the birthday girl to try and get me to go home with him....siiiigh....night try Fido...but at least he kept her well "hydrated" all night for free). Free drinks all night, and a following of male companions? Yes I was out for trouble that night, and pretty much any other time I've worn the Naked Shirt

Anyways. I digress. So with all this start of a new year and me trying to let go of all old Ghosts, I've been doing a big purge. Threw out papers I would never need, reorganized photo albums and pictures, cleaned out my CD collection of all those junker burnt mixed CDs that are so scratched they don't play, and started to purge my closet. Upon doing so I came across my beloved Naked Shirt, and with hesitation I decided to leave it in my closet. The lace on the back is starting to look a bit worse for wear and it really isn't something I would wear out anymore, but for whatever reason I simply cannot let it go!

In fact while trying to decide if I should just get rid of it, I ended up talking myself into a circle and deciding that it just needed to stay in my closet even if I never wore it again because it was The Naked Shirt! I couldn't possibly thow out something that makes me feel so powerful and ready to take on the world! I couldn't possibly be mature enough or old enough that I couldn't wear something like that anymore! I mean I may be getting old but I sure as shit don't have to act like it or dress like a granny yet.

Even worse was today while out shopping with T, we found a really wicked sale going on. And guess what I bought? The Naked Shirt 2.0. I feel troubles a brewing...and perhaps? Its time to take both shirts out for a spin......

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sorry. Can't do it!

I'm sorry. I simply cannot do it. I cannot get into yet another movie about a horse. I am not a horse person, I never have been, probably never will be. It's just not who I am. Even when I was a little girl I never really had any big girly fantsies about horses. Sure they are cute and pretty bad ass, but I never had that thing where it was like "I WANT A PONY!!".

I mean I even grew up on a farm. If any girl was going to want to have a horse or horse back ride, it was me. I lived right next door to a stable. It had horse back riding lessons. Never once did it really occur to me to say "Hey mom? Can I take lessons?". And I never really cared to watch movies like Black Beauty, or Seabiscit, or National Velvet (To be honest I had to look those up to say what movies I haven't seen...because I haven't seen them).

In fact after looking up "Popular Horse Movies" I noticed that I had seen two that show up on many lists. "The Horse Whisperer" and "Hildago". Horse Whisperer I saw because I read the book, and just loved the book (which to be honest wasn't really about horses more about the pain and suffering one goes through) and Hildago I saw because a friend of mine had an enormous crush on Viggo Mortensen after his role in Lord of the Rings. I'm pretty sure I owed her one so I went with her. Didn't like the movie much in either case. The book is always better and well I'm not a huge Viggo Mortensen fan so it was all the same to me. But I digress. I'm just not a horse person. I'm not afraid of them or anything, I'm just indifferent.

SO that all being said. I simply cannot get myself excited for the new movie War Horse. I get that there is going to be a ton of historical background going on that is extremely significant to everyone on this planet because of the way the wars played out. I get that. But do I think one specific horse really would have changed all that? Sorry. Not buying it. Everyone seems to just be piddling all over themselves about this movie.

Huge press associated with it, buzz over it winning Oscars. Movie proceeds going to Prince Williams charity fund so of course him and his wife were at the premiere which also brought in huge press. Really? I think the media is blowing it way out of proportion. But thats what their job is right? Get people excited to go see the movie and spend the 14 bucks on a movie tix to keep them employed?

Do I really think it matters that Steven Spielberg is involved with it? Nope not at all. That man may have brought to life Saving Private Ryan, Letters from Iwo Jima, Jurrasic Park and the ever ground breaking Schindler's List, but he's also had his name attached to movies that were way less sucessful, and way less intense. After looking the dude up on IMDB I determined that he hasn't ever really had a big "flop" but, I don't know I just can't believe someone so use to being associated with big success would think another pony movie would have a niche. (Fun fact? He was the executive producer on Pinky and the Brain...yes the animated series about the rats that try to take over the world)

Then again maybe its just me? Maybe there is a market out there for this movie and will be extremely successful? But I'm sorry. It's not worth my hard earned $14.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

So close....yet sooo happy.

I promised I would be better. I was determined to put it all off, and by this point I had decided I no longer even cared because it was time to get on with more important things. And yet. Here I am. I know I didn't make any sort of resolution to not watch it, or any resolutions to do with TV. But yet again. Here I am. I caved. I watched
Vampire Diaries. And holy mother effer I am SOO happy its pathetic.

I cannot express how insanely happy I am, and it shames me to an insanely sad amount. Sorry for the bubble burst but Vampire Diaries Elena and Damon finally cut through a tiny subset of the insane sexual tension between these two characters that personally has been driving my me crazy since season two.

And then I watched a heart breaking episode of Greys Anatomy. Now I really need to get off my ass and do something scholarly. Which I will do because I'm a 13 year old girl in a 25 year old's body, and my inner 13 year old is squealing with delight that they finally kissed. Shhhhiiiiiiigggghh...

Even if I did shoot my new determination to let TV go........


Monday, January 2, 2012

Don't Mess With A Volunteer

As anyone who knows me knows plainly, I volunteer. A lot. And this year will be no exception when it comes to skating events. I'm currently trying to get a promotion with the skating organization but its been a little more difficult than previously anticipated mostly because the timing has been all off.

Next year the face of Canadian Sports is going to change. All Federally funded sports are changing over to a Young Athlete Development program.So with all the changes that are going to take place next year, I am desperately trying to get better trained now so that when the changes take effect I am still considered a useful asset to skating, and not someone who yet again gets stuck in the change up. All this means that I spent my entire morning updating all the computers starting crazy data input for all the skaters.

That being said, I usually volunteer at the actual competitions, so when I get there all the input has been done ahead of time. I've never really had to do all the grunt work, I know how to make changes to the paperwork should I need to but the actual manual input of all the skaters and all the events? Haven't actually ever worked on a competition, I've only done practice events at clinics. Well turns out there is a huge difference!

The way that one registures for a skating competition in theory sounds simple enough, you go online, you fill out all the skaters information and then you punch in your credit card information and PRESTO, you're entered. The online registration company then emails the chief of the competition the spreadsheet will all necessary information from the online registration, and from there we get it, check it over, manipulate the snot out of it, and use it to do the entry into the system for the competition scoring system.

Now. I say in theory this is simple because apparently people registuring for the competition are learning how to screw this up 8 ways to Sunday. They put in all the wrong information and then some poor volunteer like me has to go and sort it all out and figure out just why the hell the system is rejecting the informationg.

Now I complain but really I guess its better than when we used to get the HAND WRITTEN forms and had to decipher what the form said before MANUALLY typing it all up and then MANUALLY putting it into the computer. However! Where it gets super fustrating (like it wasn't before) is the fact that we have numberous coaches and parents bitching about the new system. They hate the online reg, and they have having to put a planned program sheet into the computer weeks before the skater is set to compete.

Now. I realize that I am a volunteer which means I signed up to be here. No one is holding a gun to me head telling me I have to do all this work and deal with all these persnickity people. That being said, seeing as no parents want to be responsible for the competition, and don't want to fill out forms neatly or lend a hand doing the data entry, I really think they lose their right to complain about the online registration and planned program sheet (which literally is just one sheet of paper that has an outline of the programs elements which speeds up the event emmensely so that the tech pannel has some notion of whats going to go into the computer...god forbid we as you to help us volunteers out).

I guess really this whole post is me complaining about the complaints we poor volunteers seem to get from day one of setting up a competition. I guess my biggest hope is that a parent or a coach will stumble upon this page and realize, that we are just that. VOLUNTEERS. We donate HOURS of our free time MONTHS before the competition and then we spend an entire weekend getting your kids/students on that ice, through a program and off the ice with results and hopefully a medal, and unlike the parents/coaches, we don't get the thanks from the skater or paid like the coach. So if we're politely asking you to help us have to skip a couple steps and take hours of our set up time away? I would say just do it. Here's why:

We sit for hours and set up the competitions because we want to have your kids/students come to the rink and be successful, WE DO NOT sit for hours and ask the parents/coaches to take half an hour (tops) to carefully fill out the online registration forms and planned program sheets because we are crazy anal retentive bitches. We want your kid to come to the rink, skate, and leave without any issues.

If we really wanted to torture you, we'd go back to the manual matrix system. You know where the average results came out approximately 3-4 hours after the event? Not the half hour your used to? Oh I'm sorry have you never heard of those days? Well they happened, should things continue to get worse and people complain anymore, I'm going to start suggesting we use it again. Because while I remember that we're here for the kids, if you don't realize it, the old system required a hell of a lot less grunt time...which means we still get your kid on the ice, off the ice, and hopefully with a medal...but you have to entertain them for 3-4 hours at the rink waiting to find out where they placed. Tell me...would you really want that to happen?

Don't mess with the Data Specialists.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Ahhh...behold a new year! Starts off so nicely doesn't it? We all let go of past indescretions in hopes that the new year will bring us new understanding and new surprises. Well I may not be a psychic or even really all that smart, but I can garuntee that any new year will bring many surprises your way.

I love the start of a new year. This year particularly, after having such a topsy turvy last year, I am determined to keep a positive mind and a fresh attitude.

But of course the start of a new year also always leads to new years resolutions. Now I'm not sure why I even make these because they never last.  I seem to get part way through January and it all goes to hell. Well not always. One year I was determined to get into better shape and T and I ran in a 10 km race. I ended up screwing up my back in the process....but I digress.

This year when pondering new resolutions I decided that there is absolutely no point in making resolutions to do things that are just never bloody well going to happen. I'm not going to stop drinking coffee or exercise more. BUT maybe I can do the things that I should be doing anyways. So here they are.

My New Year's Resolutions
1. Drink more water.
I know I drink way too much coffee and pop. I know its bad for me. But its not about to change. I don't smoke or do drugs or drink alcohol all that often, I bloody well will enjoy something bad for me. SO maybe instead of giving up something I love because its bad for me I will try to do something to dilute it. Hence the drinking more water. It also leads to things like better joint mobility (because they are then better lubricated) better skin quality (what girl doesn't want that??) and aids in digestion which can also lead to better metabolism (again what girl doesn't want that???). See good things all around, and I can keep my dirty little habit.

2. Get more sleep at night
Ugh. I have a bad habit of staying up too late watching TV on my computer. With my computer on in my bedroom it becomes way too easy to just watch "one more thing". So my goal is to just turn off my computer more and then I hopefully will got to bed sooner at night. More sleep leads to better memory retention and as a result of sleeping more I will hopefully be a nicer morning person. I'm not stupid enough to deny myself my TV shows but I am going to try and turn off my computer earlier in the day.

3. Cook and bake more
I don't cook a whole lot. And when I do I tend to stick to things that I eat all the time so I don't really care much for food. I think there is a whole other side to food that I don't really know or care about. Some people are always chatting about places they go to eat or food they've made, and I don't really seem to have the desire for food that they do. SO in an attempt to better myself and learn something new, I want to cook and bake more. I've actually already started this resolution. Over the last few days I've made red velvet cupcakes (they were a bit of a disaster....), cinnamon buns (which turned out pretty tasty) and caramel apple upside down cake (it looked AMAZING...I sent it to a potluck that I didn't attend tonight so I didn't get to try any). I really like baking, but cooking doesn't really interest me. So that will be the struggle for me. I'm one of those people that uses food as a means to be able to lead the crazy lifestyle I lead, but no so much as something I really sit down and savor or enjoy. SO I want to try and change that. Besides, learning how to cook without killing someone? Can't be a bad skill to have in my back pocket.

So there you go. There are my resolutions. Nothing fancy, nothing over the top. I guess like my attitidue towards life right now, I just want things to be calm smooth sailing, and I think my resolutions will make that even more possible!

What are your resolutions?