Monday, January 9, 2012

Sorry. Can't do it!

I'm sorry. I simply cannot do it. I cannot get into yet another movie about a horse. I am not a horse person, I never have been, probably never will be. It's just not who I am. Even when I was a little girl I never really had any big girly fantsies about horses. Sure they are cute and pretty bad ass, but I never had that thing where it was like "I WANT A PONY!!".

I mean I even grew up on a farm. If any girl was going to want to have a horse or horse back ride, it was me. I lived right next door to a stable. It had horse back riding lessons. Never once did it really occur to me to say "Hey mom? Can I take lessons?". And I never really cared to watch movies like Black Beauty, or Seabiscit, or National Velvet (To be honest I had to look those up to say what movies I haven't seen...because I haven't seen them).

In fact after looking up "Popular Horse Movies" I noticed that I had seen two that show up on many lists. "The Horse Whisperer" and "Hildago". Horse Whisperer I saw because I read the book, and just loved the book (which to be honest wasn't really about horses more about the pain and suffering one goes through) and Hildago I saw because a friend of mine had an enormous crush on Viggo Mortensen after his role in Lord of the Rings. I'm pretty sure I owed her one so I went with her. Didn't like the movie much in either case. The book is always better and well I'm not a huge Viggo Mortensen fan so it was all the same to me. But I digress. I'm just not a horse person. I'm not afraid of them or anything, I'm just indifferent.

SO that all being said. I simply cannot get myself excited for the new movie War Horse. I get that there is going to be a ton of historical background going on that is extremely significant to everyone on this planet because of the way the wars played out. I get that. But do I think one specific horse really would have changed all that? Sorry. Not buying it. Everyone seems to just be piddling all over themselves about this movie.

Huge press associated with it, buzz over it winning Oscars. Movie proceeds going to Prince Williams charity fund so of course him and his wife were at the premiere which also brought in huge press. Really? I think the media is blowing it way out of proportion. But thats what their job is right? Get people excited to go see the movie and spend the 14 bucks on a movie tix to keep them employed?

Do I really think it matters that Steven Spielberg is involved with it? Nope not at all. That man may have brought to life Saving Private Ryan, Letters from Iwo Jima, Jurrasic Park and the ever ground breaking Schindler's List, but he's also had his name attached to movies that were way less sucessful, and way less intense. After looking the dude up on IMDB I determined that he hasn't ever really had a big "flop" but, I don't know I just can't believe someone so use to being associated with big success would think another pony movie would have a niche. (Fun fact? He was the executive producer on Pinky and the Brain...yes the animated series about the rats that try to take over the world)

Then again maybe its just me? Maybe there is a market out there for this movie and will be extremely successful? But I'm sorry. It's not worth my hard earned $14.

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