Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Naked Shirt.

You all know you have something like this hanging in your closet. I know you do. Its the article of clothing that for whatever reason, when you wear it, you can take on the world. Whether its your power blazer, your favourite red shoes, or your amazing little black dress, you put it on and suddenly you're transformed. You are out for the kill and you are out for a good time. And for me that article is my Naked Shirt.

My Naked Shirt is a beige (slightly more pinky than browny beige) tank top with the back made of lace. Its stretchy and a bit clingy but the kicker here is that it basically blends right into my skin, giving the illusion of nudity, and really you don't feel like you're wearing much either, so ya I call it my Naked Shirt.

Why and how did I come to buying such a shirt? A quiet non partier like me? WELL really the reason is kind of petty, I had to go to a party a few years back and I wasn't all that excited about the other guests that were going to be there. Highschool is an awkward time for everyone and people aren't always the nicest to each other so when I was faced with dealing with someone who hadn't always been the nicest to me, and apparently thought I hadn't been very nice to her and that was the problem, well...I decided that I was going to go to the party looking hot, and oozing confidence even if it killed me. So when out shopping I found a shirt that made me feel just that. And thus, I came into the posession of the Naked Shirt.

Needless to say that night was a total sucess. With the help of my sister BB and the Naked Shirt, I looked and felt amazing, and was able to insure the party hostess (who also happened to be the birthday girl) had an awesome time, and I made sure she had lots of male company all night (I just found out today that my friend Fido used the birthday girl to try and get me to go home with him....siiiigh....night try Fido...but at least he kept her well "hydrated" all night for free). Free drinks all night, and a following of male companions? Yes I was out for trouble that night, and pretty much any other time I've worn the Naked Shirt

Anyways. I digress. So with all this start of a new year and me trying to let go of all old Ghosts, I've been doing a big purge. Threw out papers I would never need, reorganized photo albums and pictures, cleaned out my CD collection of all those junker burnt mixed CDs that are so scratched they don't play, and started to purge my closet. Upon doing so I came across my beloved Naked Shirt, and with hesitation I decided to leave it in my closet. The lace on the back is starting to look a bit worse for wear and it really isn't something I would wear out anymore, but for whatever reason I simply cannot let it go!

In fact while trying to decide if I should just get rid of it, I ended up talking myself into a circle and deciding that it just needed to stay in my closet even if I never wore it again because it was The Naked Shirt! I couldn't possibly thow out something that makes me feel so powerful and ready to take on the world! I couldn't possibly be mature enough or old enough that I couldn't wear something like that anymore! I mean I may be getting old but I sure as shit don't have to act like it or dress like a granny yet.

Even worse was today while out shopping with T, we found a really wicked sale going on. And guess what I bought? The Naked Shirt 2.0. I feel troubles a brewing...and perhaps? Its time to take both shirts out for a spin......

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