Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ahhh crazy hazy weekends

It's beginning to feel a lot like December in my world! I hesitate to say its starting to feel like Christmas, when I associate Christmas with good eatting, lazy afternoons and wearing new fuzzy jammies, when all I've been doing this weekend is running around going to parades, getting ready for an ice show and studying for upcoming finals, the things I usually associate with the end of the school semester and fall skating season.

Friday night I joined my mom and sister for a little late night shopping at Zellers and Walmart. I know the states have this crazy thing called Black Friday, but we don't really have it in Canada. I know every year more American corporations try to push it on us by having really big sales here, and I know a lot of Canadians cross the border to go join the chaos, but to me it seemed that we Victorian's didn't really jump on board. My mom and sister decided to go out after dinner and honestly I didn't find much that I wanted/needed, but I did break my rule of "nothing Christmas till no earlier than Dec 1" rule by buying a 2$ box of warhead candy canes. Which yes are sour and after one my mouth is a wreck, but for 2$ you can't lose and I'll hand them out at school and all my upcoming study sessions.

Shopping with my sister Boozy B (no she's not a drunk/lush/alcoholic, but we have had many a conversation over how best to make child friendly drinks...erm not so child friendly...) is always enjoyable. She has a pretty good sense of ha-ha and knows not to take things too seriously. She's pretty laid back so when we decided to ditch Zellers, she was all game for Walmart. Good times had by all but really no deals to be had that were any different than anything we would usually see Black friday or not....but something to do to keep me busy.

It's been good keeping busy though. Last night my friend T and I threw on lots of layers, packed up the car along with my niece (her daughter) and headed downtown to catch the Victoria Santa Clause Day parade and festival of lights. Now to any parents that have a less than 2 adults to 1 kid ratio you have my new found respect and adoration. T and I just had the one kid to look after and she was really good at sitting still (bribery will get you everywhere) yet I know I never would have wanted to go downtown to such a huge crowd all on my own! Especially with all those other crazy parents running around loose.

We got downtown with LOTS of time to spare because I wanted to make sure we got a great seat curb side so that we would have an unobstructed view of all floats and the big red suited fat man that comes along at the end. So we got there when there weren't a lot of people yet situated and we got a great seat right on the curb, we set out blanket up and our snacks and we waited it out. YET some woman and her kid who came late decided it would be really awesome to just stand about a foot out from the curb and block the view of everything coming our way. Awesome huh? What a great tool to teach your up late and stand at the FRONT so you become a dark cloud in everyone's line of vision. The interesting coincidence is that someone after we sat down, two groups of deaf people sat on either side of us! Now granted I know I only know a teeny tiny subject of ASL, but I do know enough about facial expression and non manual signs to know when someones annoyed, or is showing dislike, and well these people didn't seem to be terribly thrilled about the dark cloud either. SO doing something that I have always wished I could do and be more assertive about, I got up and asked dark cloud to move!!! Now granted she only moved back about half a step, but at least I got my point across, and eventually as the floats and and bands and stuff went by she had to move back to not get trampled so that made it better, but at least I did something!

Still super annoyed by the whole thing. Why get there late and budge in front of everyone??? I just don't comprehend how some people think stuff like that is a good idea!

Ugh anyways. Tonight I have tickets for my mom BB and I to all go to this thing called "night before late night shopping" at Hillside mall. All the stores will be open till 9:30 and you buy tickets to get into the mall past the normal Sunday hours. All the stores inside will have deals, and there will be door prizes and a fashion show and that kind of stuff going on so I think it will be a hoot. Also there is a draw for a trip for 4 to Disneyland and I could really use a vacation so we've decided that if anyone in our collective goes and wins the trip we all get to go, plus my sister Klepto K (she is a spend a holic and loves to buy useless shit for no reason...i love her but she does..).

anyways! That's my weekend in a nut shell, I'm trying to find the energy to get off my ass and go to the anatomy lab for an hour to study but I've got a serious case of the Lazy Sundays...sigh. Anyways!

Happy Weekend All!

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