Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holy Crap! That was disturbing!

I can take a lot. I try very hard to respect others views on life, so gay straight transvestite? I'm cool. Just be happy. Religious? Well I'm pretty sure I think its all hooey, but I think its pretty awesome that someone else can believe in it. I watch scary movies and have watched several cadaver videos and volunteered in the hospitals. I figured I had seen it all. That was until I saw Breaking Dawn Part 1.

My friend T and I decided we need a girls night out, so we decided we needed to do dinner (with drinks) and a movie. I had a gift card for Boston Pizza, she had a movie pass pack so we decided we would be cheap and use the gift cards to have a nice night out. After I had to write my last final exam. Which I did and I think it went fine. Anyways we went to dinner (it was fight night so it was packed...damn it) then we wandered over the to the movie theatre and endured two hours of gut clenching, cringe-worthy movie awkwardness.

Twas screwed up my friends. Screwed right the eff up. First and foremost I must say that wedding scene was really lovely. She starts to go up the aisle and she's about the hyperventilate until she sees him, and then its ok. And I think that's really beautiful. That's what a wedding is about. Its basically everything after that that I found kind of sickening.

You watch Bella essentially decay trying to house that baby and I feel as if its not so much her choice but the author of the book pushing her strong religious beliefs on everyone else and the everyone else in question here are young impressionable young girls who will do anything to be like the characters in the movies. Bit of a scary slippery slope in my mind. Want to believe something? Go right ahead. Want to cram it down other peoples throats? Go elsewhere.

Basically when she starts to fall apart she looks like a crack addict who recently got in a fight on the mean streets trying to score some more blow and lost. And then finally the birth. If that's not the best freaking birth control on the planet I don't know what is.

So ya I found the movie a little disturbing, and really not all that exciting. I felt like there was a lot that didn't need to be in there but I understand that there couldn't be just one movie. Cringe worthy and scary and well it kind of did the opposite of what the night out was supposed to do...celebrate being over finals. **shudders**

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