Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another day another dollar....one day 59$?

There was a bit of a lull in posts during my holidays but here is the gist. I got laid off my crap telemarketer job because the program we were calling to get people to take part in ran out of money. Now I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I hated that job with an extreme passion and felt horrible for staying in it for the cash. So when the easy out finally came and the fear of being broke struck, I did whatever I could to find a new job. I emailed both of the temp agencies and within 3 days I was the newest receptionist for an eye doctors office that is owned by friend of family friend, as well as someone very connected to the skating community I participate in. Yup you guessed it, while qualified they mainly hired me based on my references and reputation in the skating community. Which apparently was a lot better than I thought lol.

So thus started the optometrists receptionists diaries....also known as "how many ways can I screw up booking an eye appointment or ordering contact lenses in a day" diaries with each day being a new entry in the book with a new and unusual way of messing up. Trust me if there was a mistake to be made, a question to be asked incorrectly or even forgotten, or a way to botch talking to someone in any way I did it. Regardless of the fact that everyone said I fit right in, and that I was doing a great job, I constantly felt like my learning curve was a negative parabola.  The harder I tried the more depressing the curve. And the real kicker...the fact that it was the lowest paid job I've ever taken, and yet the job in which I worked the hardest to improve in. Twas obnoxious.

So when a casual position with the department of national defence became available, I really had a conundrum on my hands. Loved the atmosphere of my old job, loved my coworkers, sucked at the actual job, and hated the fact that a 37.5 hour work week where pay cheques were never really more than 350 a week. Getting paid 10 bucks an hour for working my ass off, during ever changing hours and long ass days....is really hard esp when at the end of the week you can't even really afford to enjoy your weeks labours is rough. So I took the job with the base.

But so it turns out that during my short albeit stressful time I managed to get a parking ticket. For parking in a spot that was not designated for staff. Because all the staff spots were taken by freaking shoppers. Regardless of the fact that I had my parking pass displayed. And the ticket said that I was just over the limit.

So while I have strong arguments as to why I never should have gotten the bloody ticket, I'm most choked that they new I was an employee of the complex, and if they had looked around they would have seen that all the bloody staff spots were full, and yet they still felt it necessary to fine me 59.00 DOLLARS. Which for the record is about the same as what I would make in a day.

Well BEANS TO YOU BUGGERS. AND YOUR SHOTY TICKETING PRACTiCES!!! You know for weeks I had to bus and walk and bum rides because they had a no parking policy yet others in the complex totally ignored them. I always parked between others with passes, and even brought more shoppers to the freaking complex!!! YOU JERKS!!!! Well suck on this jerk faces!!! In my new job in three days I made more than I would have made in a week at the optometrist's. Not only that but now I don't shop at any of your other institutions which means that all your patrons suffer!! I hope you're happy you jerks!! I fully plan to bad mouth you every chance I get....except not by name. Because thats a breach of my contract....and would get me fined...and I'll be darned if you're getting another one of my days wages!!!!

So there you have it. Where I went, why I switched jobs...and why I am not 59.00 poorer....and why I now work at DND. Where the parking is free.

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