Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hmmm perhaps I need a meeting?

They say the strong and the brave admit when they have a problem, and as a result they are the ones that recover with the most success. So today I am taking a page out of all those brave and strong out there and admitting I have a problem. My name is Ex-Student and I am a volunteer-a-holic.

I have all the symptoms. Whenever someone needs a volunteer, I speak up. All that needs to be asked is "do we have any volunteers?", and somehow my arm with out my knowledge, raises itself and the next thing I know is I'm writing down a new project and wondering how the heck I'm going to reconfigure my schedule to fit it all in. When you really need someone? I'm the one that steps in.I attend weekly/monthly meetings and talk with others in the same boat as me, all caring about the same cause. See? I'm a woman obsessed!

This is how I managed to get up to my ears in skating in high school, along with grad council, and a full course load. My first year of community college I took on another skating team, my own solo skating, a full course load and a part time job. My first year of University I took on secretary of the University skating club because someone else couldn't commit to it any longer, and course my own personal skating and a part time job. I took on President because there was no one else brave enough to do it, and I took on my personal skating clubs executive because they were in need of people. I started volunteering at the hospital because I needed volunteer hours for a program I was contemplating taking, but now I volunteer for fun, as well as train others to volunteer.

My latest volunteer stint? Course Marshaling for a Triathlon. About a week ago my old boss (who I adore and still call my boss) posted a facebook message (damn you fb!!!) stating they desperately needed volunteers for a triathlon being held this weekend. I figured that with Father's Day (love my Dad!!) and the fact that this is the last month of school for most peoples kids that no one was free. So I signed up. I moved a few things around (my hospital volunteering gig actually) and signed myself up. It was only after I said I would help that I was told the catch. 'Be at the park for 5:45am'. FIVE FORTY FIVE AM? ON A SUNDAY? AFTER MY GRAD PARTY ON SATURDAY? ARE YOU INSANE? WELL obviously I stayed out late on the Saturday, and got up super early for Sunday. 5:45 came and I was up dressed, at the park ready to volunteer with a smile on my face (I didn't realize how light out it was at 5:45). I spent the day meeting new people and discussing everything under the sun, while cheering on all the crazy (read AMAZING) people doing the Half Iron Man. Come 12 pm? DEAD FREAKING TIRED. Spend the rest of my day in bed trying to warm up and catch up on some sleep. (BTW WAY TO GO TRIATHLON CONTESTANTS! YOU ROCK!!). I was willing to freeze my butt off, put myself in the middle of traffic, and miss out on a decent nights all to help out others. Did I love it? YES

I once heard somewhere that one in three Canadians volunteers on average, so I assume that this number is so high because of people like me skewing the curve. Now I'm not necessarily saying I need to STOP volunteering,because honestly if I didn't love it I wouldn't do it. Perhaps I just need to better pick my battles. Helping out organizations I believe in? Check! Doing things and getting them done because others are too lazy? FAIL. My latest "I can do it!" hand up moment? Just signed myself up for a new Skating club project! Scanning pictures to add to facebook for our group, and making posters for publicity. Hmmm are there meetings I can volunteer to go to for this problem? How will this end up? Who knows but I look forward to the challenge!

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